Oracle NetSuite ERP Implementation: A Comprehensive Guide to Success

Oracle NetSuite ERP Implementation Guide


In the intricate mosaic of modern business operations, the profound impact of a well executed ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system stands out prominently. A robust ERP  implementation is not just a software upgrade; it’s akin to instilling a new heartbeat in an  organization. Imagine having razor-sharp financial reporting that paves the way for  informed decision-making or achieving a level of process optimization that ensures every  workflow is executed with unparalleled efficiency. 


This is the magic of a well-implemented  ERP, and Oracle NetSuite stands at the pinnacle of this transformative journey.

Oracle NetSuite’s vast capabilities extend far beyond mere process streamlining. Its highly integrated architecture means that data isn’t just stored; it’s interwoven across various modules, painting a comprehensive picture of business operations. Every sale, every customer interaction, every inventory change – all captured and connected seamlessly.  And the true beauty lies in its adaptability. Unlike traditional systems where businesses have to contort their operations to fit the software, NetSuite is refreshingly customizable. It molds itself, adjusting and aligning with the unique contours of your business, ensuring that it serves you and not the other way around. 

Join us as we delve into the expansive universe of Oracle NetSuite ERP implementation,  unlocking its myriad benefits and illustrating how it can be the catalyst for your business’s next leap forward. 

The Big Picture 

In the realm of ERP implementation, starting with the widest lens—the biggest picture—is not just recommended, it’s essential. The foundational pillars of any business, namely its Mission,  Vision, Objective, and Values, are more than mere corporate statements. They offer profound insights into a company’s strategic direction, its ethos, and its long-term growth trajectory. Understanding these elements provides a compass, guiding every subsequent decision and action in the ERP implementation process. 

Consider the burgeoning sector of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)  companies. For them, aligning with their core principles could mean prioritizing partnerships with clean energy suppliers when setting up their supply chain modules in the ERP. But it doesn’t end there. A luxury fashion brand, rooted in exclusivity and artisan craftsmanship,  might prioritize modules that track the origin and authenticity of materials, ensuring that every product aligns with their pledge of uniqueness and quality. Similarly, a healthcare company, with a mission centered around patient care, might focus on integrating real time patient data modules to enhance treatment efficacy. 

These examples underscore a pivotal truth: The very essence of a company, its Mission,  Vision, Objective, and Values, when deeply understood and aligned with, can transform an  ERP implementation from a mere technical exercise into a strategic tool for holistic growth  and alignment.

Dissecting the Current Landscape 

Venturing into the heart of ERP implementation requires an intimate understanding of your  existing business operations, workflows, and the skeletal framework that holds it all together – the management structure. It’s a step that demands more than cursory glances; it calls for  immersion. 

Approaching this stage requires a blend of patience and meticulous scrutiny. Think of it as  conducting a comprehensive health check-up for your business, where every pulse, every  heartbeat, and even the faintest irregularities need to be detected and assessed. 

Each workflow, no matter how minor it appears, holds significance. From the constraints  that limit productivity to the nuances of managerial styles that shape team dynamics,  everything is placed under the microscope. The hierarchies that dictate reporting, the  manual tasks that consume precious hours, and even the very justification for a process’s  existence must be examined. 

It’s a time to challenge the status quo. Why is a particular task performed manually when  automation can enhance efficiency? Why does a certain reporting structure exist, and can  it be optimized for better communication? These are the kind of questions that not only  shed light on current operations but pave the way for transformative changes. 

By viewing the existing operations from multiple vantage points, businesses can identify  gaps, redundancies, and areas of potential innovation. This thorough understanding lays  the groundwork for an ERP system that’s not just a replica of the current state but a blueprint  for a more streamlined, efficient, and future-ready organization. 

The Financial Nexus 

The financial module stands as the heart of any ERP software, constantly pumping data,  transactions, and insights to every other department, facilitating their efficient functioning.  Within the Oracle NetSuite ERP ecosystem, this financial core is particularly intricate,  reflecting the complex tapestry of today’s corporate financial environments. 

Yet, a persistent challenge in many implementations is a gap that often goes unnoticed  until it’s too late: the chasm between NetSuite expertise and deep-rooted corporate  finance knowledge. This isn’t just about knowing how to click through NetSuite’s financial  module; it’s about understanding the why behind each financial process, transaction, and  report. 

One might liken this to being fluent in a language but not grasping the culture from which it  originates. You can get by, but the depth of understanding and richness of experience is  missing. When implementing the financial module, a shallow dive can lead to missed opportunities, misalignments, and, in the worst cases, glaring errors that have cascading repercussions. 

That’s why it’s crucial to bridge this knowledge gap. Our other blog titled “The Recipe for  Success: Merging Finance with NetSuite Implementation” delves deep into this topic. We’ve unpacked the essence of combining finance expertise with NetSuite skills to ensure a  seamless, robust, and, above all, effective ERP implementation. The secret sauce, as we 

discovered, is in this powerful fusion. And for those keen on truly mastering this blend, it’s a  read we highly recommend. 

Charting the Path Ahead 

Once the current landscape of a business is meticulously mapped out, the compass must  then point towards the future: Where does the company aspire to be? Understanding this  trajectory is paramount in shaping the framework of the ERP system. It’s like plotting a  voyage – knowing the destination is as crucial as understanding the starting point. 

Many companies approach ERP implementation with a vague sense of ‘improvement’ in  mind. However, genuine success lies in the details. Is the company grappling with  bottlenecks in certain departments? Are there workflow inefficiencies that have been long  overlooked or accepted as the norm? Maybe there are reporting lags that delay critical  decisions or a lack of analytical tools that hinder insights into market trends. 

The management’s goals might also encompass a desire for seamless integration with third party systems or tools, ensuring that data flows unimpeded across platforms, enhancing  both efficiency and accuracy. Furthermore, in today’s dynamic business environment,  adaptability is key. Thus, understanding any potential future requirements or scalability  concerns is crucial. 

When these targets are clearly identified and articulated, they provide a roadmap for the  ERP implementation team. This roadmap doesn’t just ensure that the ERP system meets  current needs, but that it’s also primed to evolve with the company, adapting to new  challenges, markets, and opportunities. In essence, this step transforms the ERP from a mere  tool to a dynamic partner in a company’s growth journey. 

Crafting the Blueprint 

At the heart of every successful ERP implementation is a thoughtfully conceived design.  Think of it as the architectural blueprint for a skyscraper. It’s not enough to just aim high; one  must anticipate every wind, weigh every material, and envision every resident to ensure the  building not only stands but thrives. 

ERP design is where creativity intersects with functionality. It’s the phase that calls for a  profound synthesis of understanding the company’s business essence, its ingrained culture,  the expectations of management, and the day-to-day realities faced by its staff. This is not  a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It’s tailoring a suit to fit perfectly, taking every unique curve and  contour into consideration. 

Real-world constraints, be they operational bottlenecks, budgetary restrictions, or cultural  nuances, need to be navigated with finesse. The challenge lies in maneuvering through this  complex web, ensuring that every thread aligns to create a cohesive, functional, and agile  system. 

Every design decision must be underscored by one guiding principle: practicality. An ERP  system might boast an array of impressive features, but if it doesn’t resonate with the  specific needs and realities of the business it serves, its utility diminishes. With thousands of  considerations on the table, it’s vital to keep the unique identity of the business entity at the 

forefront, ensuring the system becomes an organic extension of its operations, rather than a  rigid, external imposition. 

In this delicate dance of design, it’s about capturing the essence of a business,  understanding its heartbeat, and crafting a system that moves in harmony with it. Only then  can an ERP truly amplify a company’s potential, streamlining its path to success. 

Aligning Visions 

After meticulous design comes a step that is equally, if not more, pivotal: alignment with the  users and key stakeholders. The heart of any ERP system isn’t in its code or features, but in  the hands of those who will use it daily. Therefore, ensuring the company’s pulse aligns with  the rhythm of the new system is paramount. 

While consultants bring to the table a wealth of knowledge, fresh perspectives, and a  treasure trove of alternative approaches, they stand as guides rather than dictators of the  process. At the end of the day, it’s the organization itself that possesses an intimate  understanding of its unique intricacies, needs, and culture. They have navigated its  challenges and celebrated its successes. They have an unparalleled grasp of what works  and what doesn’t within their specific environment. 

The essence of a consultant’s role is not to overwrite this expertise but to complement it. And  herein lies the realization: the company always knows best. They are the experts of their  domain. While a consultant can suggest, highlight, and advise, it’s the organization that  gives the final nod. Their affirmation isn’t just a formal step; it’s the bedrock on which the  success of the ERP system rests. 

For this reason, this phase of alignment isn’t a mere presentation of design but a  collaborative discussion. Every concern, every suggestion, and every piece of feedback  from the users and stakeholders is not just heard but integrated. It’s about ensuring that by  the end of this process, the company doesn’t just accept the ERP system but embraces it  wholeheartedly. When the company’s workforce is both comfortable with and excited  about the new system, it paves the way for a smooth and successful implementation. 

Plan is Nothing, Planning is Everything 

Crafting the perfect path for ERP implementation requires a balance between foresight  and flexibility. When transitioning to a system as robust as Oracle NetSuite, it’s paramount to  ensure that day-to-day operations remain uninterrupted. This means every step we take  aims for a long-term benefit, yet always remains aware of its immediate impact. It’s about  anticipating the challenges ahead and developing proactive strategies.  

Detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and User Manuals become invaluable  assets, acting as both a guide and safety net for teams navigating this new terrain.  Remember, implementation is as much about understanding technology as it is about  respecting the unique rhythms of a business.  

A company’s intricate knowledge of its own needs is irreplaceable. Thus, before diving into  the deep end of implementation, a final check-in with the users is essential. It’s about  affirmation, ensuring that the upcoming system is not just technically sound but also 

intuitively aligned with the people who’ll use it daily. And while we can’t rush perfection,  dragging our feet isn’t an option either. Striking that optimal pace, where thoroughness  meets timeliness, becomes the key to maintaining momentum and stakeholder confidence  in this transformative journey. 


In our exploration of successful ERP implementation, we’ve underscored the imperative of  starting from the foundation – grasping the very essence of a business, its mission, vision,  objectives, and values. This comprehension is further accentuated when we delve into the  intricate operations, workflows, and managerial hierarchies. With this holistic understanding,  the journey moves into meticulously designing and planning the ERP system, ensuring it  serves as a catalyst rather than a hurdle. 

However, it’s worth noting that the path of ERP implementation is fraught with challenges.  Many businesses find themselves caught in the quagmire of failed implementations, leading  to not just financial losses but also significant managerial frustrations. A cornerstone often  overlooked is the crucial intersection of corporate finance and ERP systems. The importance  of having a finance-centric approach in ERP implementations cannot be overstated. 

With Hundred MS, you’re not just getting a partner well-versed in ERP systems. You’re aligning  with a team that understands the financial heartbeat of a business and how it syncs with  modern ERP solutions. Our track record is a testament to our dual proficiency in finance and  ERP. As you consider this monumental step for your business, remember: excellence isn’t just  a trait – it’s a commitment we embody at Hundred MS.

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Narek Abgaryan
Narek is the CEO and co-founder of Hundred MS. With a dynamic career that spans investment firms, asset management, risk management, and corporate finance, Narek has demonstrated a profound ability to navigate and innovate within the financial sector. His work across various countries and in diverse financial domains reflects a global perspective and an adaptable, forward-thinking approach. He Brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from the worlds of finance and technology. As a distinguished graduate of the University of Oxford and Hult International Business School, Narek has earned a reputation for excellence in the financial domain. His credentials, including the esteemed CFA and FRM certifications, are a testament to his deep understanding and expertise.
Narek Abgaryan
CFA, FRM, Fund Manager & CEO
Narek is the CEO of Hundred CJSC. Before embarking upon this position, he accumulated 7+ years of multinational experience including the positions of CEO, Head of Research and Member of the Board at various licensed and regulated investment companies. Narek is a graduate of Hult International Business School, Armenian State University of Economics and is currently pursuing his education at SaĂŻd Business School of the University of Oxford. Narek is a CFA charter holder and a certified FRM.
Our Mission
Our mission is to extend our partner-based, specialized and cost-effective cooperation to our clients to enable them to focus on their long-term strategy and leverage their core competencies around value-creating activities, thereby boosting Armenia’s economic development.
Our Vision
We have a deep conviction that the financial system is the pillar of our civilizations. Economies that are exploding with growth are the ones that adopted modern finance. We aim to reach a reality where access to unconventional finance technics should be within reach of every economic unit. This shall empower everyone to allocate their human and financial capital more purposefully and innovatively for the benefit of a secure, wealthy, and responsible society.
In "Hundred" CJSC, we are structuring our goals to revolve around the best interests of our investors and business partners. The basis we build our strategy on is satisfaction of expectations of our Clients, by bringing substantial profits to them through ethical management of investments, assets and portfolios. In the path of achieving the set tasks, we target new financial products adapted to the Client’s needs and offer variety combinations of interdisciplinary innovations. Following our set of values, we see our short-term goal in becoming one of the leading players in the domestic market, pursuing the long-term ambitious goal of integration into regional and global financial markets.
Corporate Values
We believe that earning the trust of each Client cements the next layer of the foundation of the Company’s reputation. Financial relations are built on trust; thus, our reputation is the heart of our business. Our allocentric approach to dealing with clients ensures that we always put their interests first. We do our utmost to make sure that our decisions are utterly disconnected from the greed when it comes to rendering our services. Promulgating ethics and adhering to the highest professional standards are the bedrocks of our corporate values.
  • Are your financial records more puzzling than they should be?
  • Has the audit process become a recurring nightmare for your firm?
  • Do important financial decisions stall due to unclear or absent financial reports?
  • Are high operational costs without clear returns keeping you awake at night?
  • Is hiring and maintaining a full-fledged financial team putting a strain on your resources?
  • Are you in the dark about your company's true valuation and need clarity?
  • Is the challenge of cleaning up your accounting books holding your business back?
  • Are outdated systems causing inefficiencies, prompting the need for an ERP implementation?
  • Have you identified the need for a robust risk management strategy but don't know where to start?
  • Are you looking for a one-stop firm that can handle everything from corporate strategy to asset management?
Are You Ready to Transform Your Businesses’ Financial Landscape?
Are You Ready to Transform Your Businesses’ Financial Landscape?
  • Are your financial records more puzzling than they should be?
  • Has the audit process become a recurring nightmare for your firm?
  • Do important financial decisions stall due to unclear or absent financial reports?
  • Are high operational costs without clear returns keeping you awake at night?
  • Is hiring and maintaining a full-fledged financial team putting a strain on your resources?
  • Are you in the dark about your company's true valuation and need clarity?
  • Is the challenge of cleaning up your accounting books holding your business back?
  • Are outdated systems causing inefficiencies, prompting the need for an ERP implementation?
  • Have you identified the need for a robust risk management strategy but don't know where to start?
  • Are you looking for a one-stop firm that can handle everything from corporate strategy to asset management?
Levon Garibyan
Levon, the co-founder and Business Development Director of Hundred MS, brings over a decade of international experience to his role. His career spans managing private firms with diverse business profiles across the UK, UAE, and Russian Federation. Levon has not only excelled in steering these companies towards growth but has also specialized in business development strategy and fundraising. His expertise in these areas has significantly contributed to the expansion and success of these firms. Levon's academic background is equally impressive, having studied at Cranfield University School of Management and Moscow State University of International Affairs (MGIMO), where he honed his skills in business management and international affairs.
Levon Garibyan
Levon is the Business Development Director and Strategy Specialist of the company. He acquired international experience of more than 10 years, managing private firms with various business profiles in UK, UAE and Russian Federation. Levon studied in Cranfield University School of Management and Moscow State University of International Affairs (MGIMO).
Business Development, Strategy & Fundraising
David Tarkhanyan
David is the co-founder of Hundred MS and the CEO of Hundred MS GmbH. His track record in delivering innovative financial solutions and driving performance improvement initiatives showcases his ability to lead complex projects and navigate the intricate world of finance. David's breadth of experience has equipped him with the unique ability to understand and address the multifaceted challenges businesses face today. His exceptional qualifications, marked by the CFA and FRM certifications, reflect his deep commitment to financial mastery and strategic insight. David's career is characterized by a wide-ranging experience in investment banking, performance management, controlling, and reporting, among other critical financial domains.
David Tarkhanyan
David Tarkhanyan
David Tarkhanyan
Financial Controlling Investment Banking
David is the co-founder of Hundred MS. He is a Banking specialist with a focus on Financial Controlling, Planning, and Performance Management. His experience extends more than 10 years in various investment banks in Vienna and Frankfurt. David studied Physics at Bauman University and Industrial Engineering at the American University of Armenia.