
Infographic showing future trends in Cloud ERP Solutions with icons for AI, IoT, and cloud computing

Unlocking Efficiency: How Enterprise Resources Planning Systems Revolutionize Business Operations

What is Enterprise Resource Planning? At its heart, an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an integrated application suite designed to streamline and manage core business processes across various departments. ERP is the central hub of operations, from finance to HR, procurement to supply chain management, ensuring connection and real-time data flow across the enterprise. Understanding ERP systems ERP systems are the connecting link of various business processes, offering a unified data source that enhances decision-making and operational transparency. Examples like Oracle Cloud ERP and NetSuite ERP showcase the adaptability of ERP solutions across diverse sectors, underlining their universal applicability. The Business Value of ERP: Beyond Integration Operational Excellence: By consolidating disparate systems, ERP enterprise resource planning software overpowers inefficiencies, fostering a streamlined operational framework. Strategic Decision-Making: Access to real-time data analytics empowers leaders to make informed, strategic decisions quickly and effectively. Cost Efficiency: Enhanced operational efficiency translates into significant cost savings across the board. Growth and Scalability: Cloud ERP solutions, in particular, offer unparalleled scalability, ensuring that your ERP ecosystem grows in tandem with your business. The role of ERP Implementation in Transforming Business Operations In the context of revolutionizing industry operations with ERP systems, the ERP implementation process stands as a critical crossroad where strategic planning meets technological innovation. This phase demands careful attention to detail, starting from a complete needs assessment that aligns with your business objectives, through to the detailed selection of a robust ERP platform such as NetSuite ERP. The process unfolds through stages of customization, data migration, and comprehensive user training, ensuring that the ERP solution seamlessly integrates into the fabric of the organization. Throughout this journey, challenges such as data integrity, user adoption, and system scalability are navigated with precision, ultimately setting the stage for a transformed, efficient, and cohesive business ecosystem. Hundred MS and ERP: A Symphony of Expertise At Hundred MS, our skills in financial advisory and corporate consulting intersect seamlessly with the world of ERP. We guide businesses through the complex labyrinth of ERP implementation, ensuring that the chosen solution aligns perfectly with their strategic goals and operational needs. Our expertise extends to optimizing ERP frameworks, such as NetSuite ERP, to unlock their full potential, driving efficiency, and fostering sustainable growth. ERP in Action: Industry-Specific Transformations Manufacturing: From optimizing production lines to seamless inventory management, ERP brings precision and efficiency to manufacturing processes. Retail: ERP systems enhance retail operations by improving inventory control, customer engagement, and e-commerce integration. Healthcare: In healthcare, ERP solutions streamline patient management, billing, and compliance, ensuring better patient outcomes and operational efficiency. Exploring ERP Deployment Models On-Premises ERP: The traditional model, requiring substantial initial investment but offering complete control over the infrastructure. Cloud-Based ERP: Offers a flexible, cost-effective solution with the ERP system hosted on the vendor’s servers, providing ease of access and minimal IT overhead. Hybrid ERP: Combines the best of both worlds, allowing businesses to tailor their ERP solutions to their specific needs and circumstances. Spotlight on Cloud ERP: The Future Is Here The advent of cloud ERP marks a paradigm shift in how businesses approach their ERP solutions. With advantages such as reduced upfront costs, superior flexibility, and “anywhere, anytime” access, cloud ERP like Oracle Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning is becoming the go-to model for forward-thinking enterprises. This model not only simplifies IT infrastructure,  it also enhances collaboration and innovation by leveraging the cloud’s inherent agility. This preference is driven by the cloud’s ability to offer scalable, secure, and cost-efficient ERP solutions, ensuring businesses remain agile and competitive in a rapidly evolving market landscape. Conclusion ERP systems, especially those leveraging cloud technology, are at the frontline of driving business efficiency and innovation. As we advance, integrating ERP solutions like Oracle Cloud ERP and NetSuite ERP into the core operations of businesses across sectors will be paramount. At Hundred MS, we are committed to empowering businesses with the insights and tools they need to harness the full potential of ERP, ensuring they remain at the cutting edge of operational efficiency and strategic growth. FAQs on Enterprise Resource Planning How does an ERP system improve business operations? An ERP system enhances business operations by integrating various functions into a single system, improving data accuracy, facilitating better decision-making, and increasing efficiency by eliminating redundant processes. It allows for real-time data analysis, helping businesses to respond quickly to market changes and internal demands. What are some examples of ERP software? Examples of ERP software include Oracle Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning, NetSuite ERP, SAP ERP, and Microsoft Dynamics. These platforms offer a range of functionalities tailored to different business needs and sectors. What does ERP implementation involve? ERP implementation involves several steps, including requirement analysis, system selection, project planning, system customization, data migration, user training, and system testing. Successful implementation requires careful planning, clear communication, and ongoing support to ensure the system meets the organization’s needs. How do ERP systems work with other business applications? ERP systems can integrate with other business applications through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or middleware. This integration allows for seamless data exchange and process automation across different software platforms, enhancing overall operational efficiency. What is the future of ERP systems? The future of ERP systems lies in increased cloud adoption, enhanced analytics capabilities, more intuitive user interfaces, and greater integration with emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain. These advancements will make ERP systems even more versatile and valuable tools for businesses. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

Unlocking Efficiency: How Enterprise Resources Planning Systems Revolutionize Business Operations Read More »

Digital tablet with financial charts and graphs symbolizing advanced business planning and valuation strategies

Mastering the Art of Business Planning and Valuation: A Modern Approach

Deciphering the Complexities of Business Strategy and Value in the Digital Age In the ever-evolving landscape of the business world, the importance of a meticulously crafted business plan and a well-calculated business valuation cannot be overstated. These foundational elements serve as the keystone in building a sustainable, growth-oriented enterprise. As we venture further into the digital age, the complexities surrounding strategic financial planning and business valuation have magnified, demanding not only a deeper understanding of financial principles but also an agility to adapt to rapid market changes and technological advancements. The art of business planning extends beyond mere financial projections and market analyses; it encompasses a holistic view of a company’s strategic direction, competitive positioning, and operational framework. Similarly, business valuation is more than a numerical exercise; it’s a multifaceted evaluation that encapsulates market potential, business models, and the intrinsic value of innovations and intellectual property. In this dynamic environment, precision, insight, and adaptability become the pillars upon which successful strategies are built. As we delve into the nuances of business planning and valuation, it’s crucial to recognize the role of modern technologies in reshaping these processes. The integration of advanced analytics, big data, and artificial intelligence has ushered in a new era of strategic planning, where data-driven insights pave the way for more informed decision-making and valuation accuracy. This transformation is not about replacing the human element but enhancing it, ensuring that entrepreneurs and business leaders are equipped with the best tools to navigate the complexities of today’s business challenges. In this blog, we will explore the critical aspects of effective business planning and valuation, offering insights into the modern approaches that are setting new standards in strategic and financial analysis. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of crafting robust business strategies and valuations that stand the test of time and market volatility. The Pillars of Effective Business Planning Strategic Foundation At the core of every successful business plan lies a solid strategic foundation. This foundation is built upon a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape, including a deep dive into competitive analysis, customer segmentation, and industry trends. A well-defined business model that clearly articulates the value proposition, revenue streams, and operational mechanisms is essential. This strategic groundwork ensures that the business plan is not just a document but a roadmap guiding every decision and action towards achieving the company’s goals. Financial Acumen Equally crucial to the strategic foundation is financial acumen, which involves a thorough analysis of financial needs, projections, and health. Effective business planning requires detailed budgeting that accounts for both current resources and future funding requirements. Financial projections, including income statements, cash flow forecasts, and balance sheets, provide a quantitative framework for evaluating the business’s potential for profitability and growth. This financial analysis must be both realistic and aspirational, grounded in current data but forward-looking enough to capture the business’s growth trajectory. Operational Strategy The operational strategy outlines the practical steps needed to turn the business vision into reality. This includes identifying key operational processes, resource allocation, technology requirements, and potential bottlenecks. A robust operational plan ensures that the business can deliver on its value proposition efficiently and scale its operations as it grows. It also includes contingency planning to address potential challenges and risks that may arise in the business’s lifecycle. Market Engagement No business plan is complete without a clear strategy for market engagement. This encompasses marketing and sales strategies that outline how the business intends to attract and retain customers. It involves identifying the most effective channels for customer acquisition, crafting compelling messaging, and developing sales tactics that convert interest into revenue. A well-planned market engagement strategy not only drives revenue growth but also builds brand equity and customer loyalty. Adaptability and Continuous Improvement In today’s fast-paced business environment, adaptability is a key pillar of effective business planning. The ability to pivot and iterate in response to market feedback, technological changes, and internal performance metrics is vital. A dynamic business plan is not set in stone; it evolves as the business learns and grows. Incorporating mechanisms for continuous improvement and feedback loops ensures that the business remains agile and can capitalize on new opportunities as they arise. Together, these pillars form the bedrock of effective business planning, ensuring that startups and established businesses alike have a clear, actionable strategy that drives decision-making and guides the organization toward its long-term objectives. Navigating Business Valuation Understanding Valuation Methodologies Business valuation is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of various methodologies and how they apply to different types of businesses. Methods such as the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis, market comparables, and asset-based valuation each offer unique insights into a company’s worth, taking into account future earnings potential, industry benchmarks, and tangible assets, respectively. Navigating these methodologies demands not only financial expertise but also a strategic understanding of how each method aligns with the business’s goals and market position. The Importance of Market Trends Market trends and industry dynamics play a crucial role in business valuation. Factors such as emerging market opportunities, competitive landscape shifts, and regulatory changes can significantly impact a company’s valuation. A comprehensive valuation process involves analyzing these external factors to understand their potential effects on the business’s financial health and growth prospects. This analysis ensures that the valuation reflects not just the current state of the business but also its future potential in the context of broader market trends. Financial Health and Projections At the heart of business valuation is an analysis of the company’s financial health and projections. This includes a thorough review of historical financial statements, revenue models, cost structures, and cash flow analysis. Future financial projections are equally important, as they provide a window into the company’s growth trajectory and profitability potential. These financial insights form the backbone of the valuation, offering a quantifiable measure of the business’s worth. Strategic Value and Intangible Assets Beyond the numbers, business valuation also considers the strategic value and intangible assets of a company. Elements such as brand equity,

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A scale balancing business elements in business valuation.

The Non-Objective Nature of Business Valuation: A Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide

The journey through business valuation is a complex process with subjective judgments, making it complicated for buyers and sellers alike. The process is full of numerous factors influencing the final valuation. This guide delves into the non-objective nature of business valuation, offering insights for both buyers and sellers.   What is Business Valuation Business valuation is the art and science of determining the true worth and value of a company. It’s a critical process influencing strategic decisions, from mergers and acquisitions to succession planning. Despite its importance, the process is inherently subjective, influenced by various factors including market conditions, financial performance, and potential for future growth. The Importance of Valuation in Business Transactions Valuation is crucial in business transactions for various reasons. It not only sets the stage for negotiation but also ensures that both parties enter into the transaction with clear expectations. Reasons for Performing a Valuation Strategic decision-making for buyers and sellers Financial reporting and compliance Litigation and dispute resolution Planning for mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures Understanding the Subjectivity in Valuation Business valuation is far from a straightforward calculation. Subjectivity seeps in through assumptions about future growth, discount rates, and the interpretation of market conditions. Various valuation methods, from asset-based approaches to earnings-based and market-based methods, each inject their own level of subjectivity. For instance, the choice between a business valuation formula like Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) versus market comparables can significantly sway the valuation outcome. Valuation from a Buyer’s Perspective Buyers view valuation as a tool to gauge investment potential and risk. They lean towards conservative estimates, emphasizing factors that could impact future profitability and cash flow. A buyer might use a business valuation calculator to simulate different scenarios, assessing the ‘value my business’ question under varying market conditions and growth trajectories. Their focus is on identifying undervalued aspects that could yield a high return on investment. Valuation from a Seller’s Perspective Sellers, aiming to maximize their exit value, often adopt an optimistic outlook on valuation. They highlight strengths, such as strong market position or unique value propositions, using them to justify higher valuations. Sellers might prefer methods that reflect the company’s potential rather than its current financials, arguing for a valuation that accounts for strategic value to specific buyers or synergies that might be realized post-acquisition. The Impact of Negotiations on Valuation Negotiations are where the subjective nature of business valuation comes to the forefront. Both buyers and sellers bring their valuations to the table, influenced by their respective perspectives and desired outcomes. The negotiation process involves reconciling these differing views, with each party leveraging data and valuation methodologies to support their position. The final agreed-upon value often reflects a compromise, melding the objective financial metrics with the subjective elements introduced by both sides. Common Pitfalls in Business Valuation Business valuation is a delicate process prone to several pitfalls:  overemphasis on past financial performance without considering future growth prospects,  neglecting the influence of current market dynamics,  subjective biases leading to over- or undervaluation,  reliance on inappropriate comparables,  overlooking intangible assets like brand value and intellectual property.  Avoiding these common mistakes requires a comprehensive, objective approach that accounts for both quantitative metrics and qualitative factors. Hundred MS’s Role in Business Valuation At Hundred MS, our extensive experience in financial advisory and corporate consulting has given us unique insights into the intricacies of business valuation. We’ve seen firsthand how a well-conducted valuation can be the cornerstone of a successful transaction. By combining rigorous analysis with a deep understanding of market dynamics, we help our clients achieve valuations that reflect the true worth of their businesses. Whether you’re buying or selling, partnering with Hundred MS means tapping into a wealth of expertise, ensuring your valuation is not just a number, but a reflection of real value. Conclusion The process of business valuation is complex and nuanced, influenced by various subjective factors. Both buyers and sellers must approach valuation with a thorough understanding and a critical eye to ensure a fair and equitable transaction. Knowing the usual mistakes and using clear, straightforward methods can help everyone make better choices. Working with an experienced team like Hundred MS, who knows a lot about business valuations, can help make sure the price put on a business is fair and sets everyone up for good deals and smart moves. FAQs on Business Valuation 1. What is the nature of business valuation? Business valuation is like figuring out how much a company is worth. It’s not just about numbers; it involves a lot of different views and opinions because every business is unique. This makes the valuation more of an art than just simple math. 2. What is the objective of business valuation? The main goal of valuing a business is to find out its real worth. This is important for many reasons, such as when a business is being sold or bought, when it needs funding, or even for legal matters. It helps everyone involved make informed decisions. 3. How can buyers and sellers navigate the non-objective nature of business valuation? Buyers and sellers can get through the tricky parts of business valuation by using different methods to check the value, getting advice from experts, and understanding that there’s some guesswork involved. It’s about being open to negotiation and finding a fair value that works for both sides. 4. What factors contribute to the non-objective nature of business valuation? Several things make business valuation not just black and white. These include how well the business is doing, what the economy is like, future chances for making money, and even things that are hard to put a number on, like the business’s brand or its customer relationships. All these parts need to be looked at to get the full picture. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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Graph showing growth trajectory with CFO Consulting Services from Hundred MS

10 Ways CFO Consulting Services Add Value to a Business

In today’s fast-paced business world, the role of CFO Consulting services is becoming essential. These outsourced financial wizards offer customized advice and strategies, vital for small and midsize businesses aiming to expand. Opting for CFO consulting allows firms to tap into high-level financial expertise without the cost of a full-time executive, presenting a savvy solution for enhancing financial operations while keeping expenses in check. What Exactly Is a CFO Consulting? CFO Consulting is more than just financial oversight; it’s about strategic partnership. Small to midsize businesses often find themselves at a crossroads, needing expert financial guidance without the heavy financial burden of a full-time CFO. This is where CFO consulting steps in, offering a blend of strategic planning, financial management, and operational efficiency. The Spectrum of CFO Consulting Services CFO consulting services range from financial forecasting and strategy to risk management and fundraising support. These services are tailored to fit the unique needs of each business, ensuring that every decision is backed by expert financial insight. Financial Planning: Crafting long-term plans to fuel growth. Cash Flow Management: Ensuring your business always has the liquidity it needs. Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating financial risks. Budgeting and Forecasting as part of Financial Management: Planning for future financial health. Fundraising Support: Navigating the complexities of raising capital. Virtual CFO: The Modern Solution The concept of a Virtual CFO has revolutionized the way businesses approach financial management. Operating remotely, these professionals offer flexible, as-needed services, making high-level financial expertise accessible and affordable. This model is particularly advantageous for businesses in their growth phase, needing the guidance but not the expense of a full-time executive. In-House vs. Consulting CFOs Choosing between an in-house CFO and consulting services depends on several factors, including the size of your business, growth stage, and financial complexity. While in-house CFOs provide constant availability, consulting CFOs offer flexibility and a broader perspective, often bringing experience from various industries and business models. 10 Key Benefits of CFO Consulting Services for Your Business Strategic Financial Planning  CFO consultants bring a wealth of experience, helping to craft strategic financial plans that align with your business goals, ensuring long-term growth and stability. Cost Efficiency Opting for consulting services means you only pay for what you need, avoiding the full-time costs associated with hiring an in-house CFO, such as salaries, benefits, and overheads. Expertise on Tap  Gain access to top-tier financial experts who bring a broad perspective from working across various industries, providing insights that can catapult your business forward. Risk Management CFO consultants excel in identifying potential financial risks and implementing strategies to mitigate them, safeguarding your business from unforeseen challenges. Improved Decision Making With data-driven insights and modern financial  analytics and reporting, CFO consulting services empower business owners to make informed decisions, enhancing operational and financial performance. Cash Flow Optimization Consultants can help manage your cash flow more effectively, ensuring that your business remains liquid and financially healthy, enabling you to seize opportunities as they arise. Regulatory Compliance and Reporting Stay on top of regulatory requirements with expert guidance, ensuring that your financial reporting is accurate, timely, and compliant. Fundraising and Capital Structuring CFO consultants can guide you through the complexities of raising funds, from identifying the right funding sources to structuring deals that favor your business’s growth. Operational Efficiency By streamlining financial processes and systems, CFO consulting can drive operational efficiencies, reducing costs and improving productivity. Objective External Perspective An outsourced CFO brings an unbiased viewpoint, free from the internal dynamics of your business, offering fresh insights and solutions to drive your business forward. The Drawbacks to Consider Limited Availability: Unlike in-house CFOs, consultants may not always be available on-demand. Lesser Personal Investment: As external parties, consulting CFOs might not be as deeply invested in your company’s culture and long-term success. Communication Challenges: Remote and part-time arrangements can lead to gaps in communication. Is It Time for CFO Consulting Services? If your business is experiencing rapid growth, facing complex financial challenges, or simply needs strategic financial guidance, it might be time to consider CFO consulting services. This decision can be pivotal in navigating financial complexities and setting a clear path for sustainable growth. Hiring the Right CFO Consulting Services When seeking CFO consulting services, it’s crucial to look for: Proven Experience: A track record of success in your industry or with similar business models. Strategic Fit: Alignment with your business’s goals, culture, and operational style. Flexibility: The ability to adapt services to your evolving needs. Strong Communication: Clear, concise, and regular communication practices. Conclusion: The Value of CFO Consulting Services CFO consulting services bring a wealth of benefits to small and midsize businesses, from strategic financial planning to operational efficiency. By choosing the right CFO consulting partner, businesses can navigate financial complexities with confidence, ensuring sustainable growth and success. Whether it’s through cost savings, expert advice, or strategic insights, CFO consulting adds undeniable value to any business ready to elevate its financial management. In conclusion, CFO consulting services are not just an expense; they’re an investment in your business’s future. As you consider the next steps for your financial strategy, remember the value that expert guidance can bring. Feel free to share your thoughts or questions in the comments below, or reach out for a more in-depth discussion on how CFO consulting can benefit your business. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. What exactly are CFO Consulting Services? CFO Consulting Services encompass expert financial management support offered by external consultants. These services range from strategic financial planning, risk management, cash flow optimization, to fundraising support, tailored to enhance the operational efficiency and growth potential of businesses. 2. How can CFO Consulting Services add value to my small or midsize business? For small and midsize businesses, CFO Consulting Services provide invaluable insights into financial strategy, help in managing risks, optimize cash flows, and guide in critical financial decisions. This external expertise supports businesses in navigating complex financial landscapes, driving growth and sustainability without the need for a full-time CFO. 3. When should a business

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Infographic summarizing key questions for evaluating NetSuite Accounting Software

Considering NetSuite Accounting? Ask Yourself These 10 Key Accounting Software Questions.

When exploring options for the best accounting software, many businesses consider NetSuite Accounting for its comprehensive capabilities. Known for simplifying complex financial tasks, NetSuite offers an integrated approach that appeals to both seasoned NetSuite accountants and those seeking straightforward, simple accounting software solutions.  Evaluating NetSuite Accounting Software: 10 Essential Questions When considering an upgrade or initial investment in accounting software, it’s vital to ask the right questions. This guide, prepared by the experts at Hundred MS, is framed around NetSuite, often regarded as one of the best accounting software options, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. 1. Are Accounting Packages Worth It? The value of investing in a comprehensive accounting package extends far beyond a single software solution. These systems, which encompass everything from basic bank reconciliation features to full-scale ERP capabilities, are designed to significantly streamline financial management across the board. By automating routine tasks and offering real-time financial insights, accounting packages can lead to substantial time and cost savings for businesses, irrespective of the specific software chosen. This makes them an invaluable asset for companies looking to enhance efficiency and accuracy in their financial operations. 2. Is NetSuite Good for Accounting? NetSuite accounting software stands out for its robust functionality, catering to a wide range of accounting needs. From basic bookkeeping to complex financial reporting, NetSuite’s cloud-based platform ensures that your data is accessible and secure, making it an excellent choice for businesses prioritizing growth and scalability. 3. What is a Cloud Solution? Cloud accounting software like NetSuite allows users to access financial data and tools over the internet rather than through software installed on individual computers. Cloud solutions offer unmatched scalability, easier accessibility for users, and real-time information, which are crucial for dynamic business environments. 4. How Will NetSuite ERP Implementation Improve My Business? NetSuite ERP Implementation brings a unified and comprehensive platform to your business operations, integrating various functions like CRM, inventory, and e-commerce with accounting. This interconnectedness leads to smoother processes, better data transparency, and visibility, ultimately driving efficiency and growth.  5. How Can NetSuite Accounting Software Solve My Business’s Pain Points? NetSuite’s cloud accounting software is designed to tackle common challenges such as manual processes, data inaccessibility, and compliance issues. By automating workflows and providing a single source of truth, NetSuite helps businesses overcome these obstacles, enhancing overall accuracy and operational efficiency. 6. How Much Does NetSuite Cloud Accounting Software Cost? Oracle NetSuite pricing varies based on the specific needs and size of a business. While it’s not the cheapest option on the market, the value it provides in terms of functionality, support, and scalability often justifies the investment. For precise figures, it’s best to consult with NetSuite accountants or sales representatives. 7. What is the Best Accounting Software for Small Business? While NetSuite is a powerful solution, the best accounting software for your small business depends on your unique requirements. Factors to consider include the size of your business, industry-specific needs, and budget constraints. NetSuite for small business is highly recommended, but exploring other top accounting software options can help you make an informed decision. 8. What Sets NetSuite Apart from Other Accounting Software? NetSuite’s ERP features and comprehensive platform distinguish it from simpler accounting solutions. Its ability to support a wide range of business processes within a single system, coupled with its cloud-based architecture, offers a level of integration and flexibility that is hard to match. 9. Can NetSuite Grow with My Business? One of NetSuite’s key benefits is its unmatched scalability. Whether you’re a small startup or a rapidly expanding enterprise, NetSuite can adapt to your evolving needs, supporting everything from additional users to complex multinational financial management requirements. 10. What Support and Resources Does NetSuite Offer? NetSuite support is an integral part of its offering, providing users with extensive resources, from NetSuite training and consulting services to a vast community of NetSuite accountants and experts. This ecosystem ensures that businesses can maximize their investment and navigate any challenges that arise during implementation and use. Conclusion: Making an Informed Decision Choosing the right accounting software is a critical decision for any business. By asking these key questions, you can assess whether NetSuite or another solution is the best fit for your financial management needs. Remember, the goal is to find a system that not only addresses your current pain points but also supports your long-term growth and success. Consider engaging with a NetSuite consultant or exploring other resources on Hundred MS to further inform your decision and ensure that your investment in accounting software propels your business forward. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

Considering NetSuite Accounting? Ask Yourself These 10 Key Accounting Software Questions. Read More »

Accountant using AI software on computer

The Rise of AI for Accounting: Will Accountants Be Replaced?

As AI advances, many wonder, “Will AI replace accountants?” Is the rise of AI in the finance world a sign that accountants will soon be replaced? With advancements in AI accounting software and artificial intelligence in accounting, the industry is at a crossroads. This introduction will unpack how AI is not just changing the game but could be setting the stage for a collaborative future between humans and machines in accounting. AI in Accounting: Revolution or Evolution? In the dynamic world of finance, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into accounting practices sparks a crucial debate: will AI replace accountants or serve as a valuable ally? The advent of AI in accounting, from sophisticated AI accounting software to intuitive AI bookkeeping tools, is revolutionizing the industry, offering unprecedented efficiency and accuracy. Yet, this technological leap brings more opportunities than threats to the accounting profession. Accountants are now leveraging AI for deeper analytical insights and advisory roles, marking a synergistic future where AI complements human expertise. The Human Element: Irreplaceable Insights However, the notion that AI could entirely replace human accountants overlooks the profession’s core essence. Accounting isn’t just about crunching numbers; it involves interpreting complex financial information, making strategic decisions, and providing insightful advice. Even with AI, the personal touch accountants bring is key. Think about tough choices that need a deep understanding of right and wrong, or when building trust with clients, it’s about more than just numbers. It’s about understanding people, something AI can’t do. For instance, in tricky situations like when numbers don’t add up, an accountant’s judgment can make all the difference. This mix of personal skills and AI’s speed is what we focus on at Hundred MS, making sure technology supports, not replaces, the human side of accounting. Check out how we do this on our services page. AI Accounting Software: Accountants as Strategic Advisors AI’s role in automating routine tasks is undeniable. With AI Accounting Software and AI accounting solutions, tasks like data entry, transaction categorization, and even some aspects of month-end reporting are becoming more streamlined, reducing the margin for error and freeing up valuable time for accountants.  As AI takes over more of the repetitive tasks, the role of the accountant is being elevated to that of a strategic financial advisor.This shift is not about job displacement but job transformation, where accountants apply their expertise more impactfully. AI Accounting Software enables accountants to focus on high-value activities like strategic planning and business development.  Embracing Change with Hundred MS In this AI-driven era, partnering with experts who navigate the intersection of finance and technology is crucial. Hundred MS offers specialized full charge bookkeeping services that integrate AI with traditional accounting practices, ensuring professionals not only adapt but excel. From AI-driven analytics to optimizing financial processes, Hundred MS empowers accountants to embrace and lead in the evolving landscape of accounting. Navigating New Horizons: Learning for the AI Era The rise of AI in accounting also underscores the importance of continuous learning and adaptability among professionals. As AI reshapes the accounting landscape, new roles emerge that blend traditional accounting acumen with tech-savvy expertise. Embracing AI tools for accounting and staying abreast of technological advancements is becoming imperative. Accountants who leverage AI to augment their capabilities are positioning themselves as indispensable assets to their organizations, capable of delivering more strategic value and better business insights. To stay ahead, professionals must embrace continuous learning, diving into areas like data analytics, AI implementation strategies, and cybersecurity in finance. By mastering such competencies, accountants can ensure their role in an AI-enhanced future is not just relevant but indispensable, facilitating a seamless partnership with AI technologies.This synergy between AI’s capabilities and the human touch ensures that AI in accounting acts as a support rather than a substitute. Conclusion In wrapping up, the journey of AI in accounting is not a tale of displacement but one of empowerment and evolution. As we’ve explored, AI enhances the efficiency and scope of accounting practices, while the irreplaceable human element continues to play a pivotal role in strategic decision-making and client relationships. Embracing this new era, where continuous learning and adaptation are key, ensures that accountants remain at the forefront of innovation. With Hundred MS as your partner, navigating the AI-enhanced landscape of accounting becomes an opportunity to redefine value and drive forward into a future where accountants are more vital than ever. For a deeper dive into how to embrace these changes and leverage the latest in AI for accounting, visit our services page. FAQs 1․ Is AI a threat to accountants in the future? AI is not a threat but an opportunity for accountants to evolve their roles towards more strategic and advisory capacities by automating routine tasks. 2․ Why can’t AI replace accountants? AI lacks the emotional intelligence, ethical judgment, and nuanced understanding required for complex decision-making and building client relationships, which are key aspects of accounting. 3․ How does AI impact accounting? AI improves efficiency and accuracy in data processing, enhances audit quality by enabling deeper analysis, and allows accountants to focus on higher-value advisory roles. 4․ How can I future-proof my career in accounting with AI? Embrace AI learning in accounting, familiarize yourself with AI accounting software, and develop skills in data analysis and strategic financial planning. 5․ Will AI replace or partner with accountants? AI is set to partner with accountants, augmenting their capabilities and enabling them to deliver greater strategic value to their clients and organizations. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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Graph showing streamlined month-end close process with NetSuite

Mastering Month-End Close Process for Better Financial Management

Navigating the month-end close process can be a challenging task for finance teams, often fraught with complexities and time-consuming tasks. Understanding the pivotal role of NetSuite in streamlining accounting month-end close procedures can transform this challenge into an opportunity for better financial management.  This guide will delve into effective strategies and a comprehensive month-end close checklist to optimize your financial close process with NetSuite, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and compliance. What Is the Month-End Close? The month-end close is a critical accounting process that consolidates all financial transactions of a month, ensuring every entry is accurately recorded and accounts are reconciled. This procedure is vital for precise financial reporting and informed decision-making within any organization. Why Is the Month-End Close Process Important? The month-end close process is crucial as it confirms the accuracy and integrity of an organization’s financial records. It plays a key role in error detection, adherence to accounting standards, and timely availability of financial data, which are essential for informed decision-making and strategic planning. By leveraging solutions like NetSuite, businesses can streamline this process, ensuring more efficient and accurate financial reporting. This not only aids in internal analysis and planning but also boosts investor confidence by showcasing a commitment to financial transparency and discipline. What benefits does NetSuite bring to the Month-End Close Process? NetSuite, a comprehensive cloud-based ERP solution, offers robust features tailored for the month-end close process. Its real-time financial reporting and accounting automation capabilities can dramatically reduce the time and effort required for the month-end close, allowing finance teams to focus on analysis rather than manual data entry. Key Benefits of NetSuite for Month-End Close: Automated Reconciliations: NetSuite automates bank and credit card reconciliations, saving valuable time and reducing errors. Real-Time Financial Reporting: Instant access to financial reports ensures timely decision-making and a faster close process. Integrated Compliance Tools: NetSuite’s built-in compliance management helps ensure that your financial processes meet regulatory standards. Best Practices for a Month-End Close Process Adopting best practices for the month-end close process can further enhance efficiency and accuracy. Here are some strategies to consider: Pre-Close Activities: Begin with pre-close tasks such as reviewing open items and pending transactions to ensure they are accounted for in the correct period. Standardized Checklists: Develop a month-end close checklist tailored to your organization’s needs, incorporating tasks like account reconciliations, review of financial statements, and variance analysis. Leverage Automation: Utilize NetSuite’s automation features for routine tasks, such as journal entries and account reconciliations, to reduce manual workload and the potential for errors. Overcoming Month-End Close Challenges with NetSuite The month-end close process can present several challenges, including time constraints, data inaccuracies, and compliance issues. NetSuite addresses these challenges head-on by offering: Scalability: As your business grows, NetSuite’s flexible platform can easily adapt to increased transaction volumes and complex financial structures with the right NetSuite consultants. Data Integrity: With centralized data management, NetSuite ensures that all financial data is accurate and up-to-date, reducing the risk of errors. Compliance Assurance: NetSuite’s compliance features help ensure that your financial closing process adheres to accounting standards and regulatory requirements. The Month-End Close Checklist with NetSuite Implementing a structured checklist can further streamline the month-end close process. Essential items on this checklist should include: Reconciliation of all cash accounts Review and adjustment of journal entries Verification of revenue recognition and expense matching Consolidation of financial statements for multi-entity organizations Final review of financial reports for accuracy and completeness Conclusion Mastering the month-end close process with NetSuite not only enhances financial management but also provides strategic insights into business performance. At Hundred MS, our expertise in financial advisory and corporate consulting positions us uniquely to guide businesses through the complexities of financial processes, ensuring they leverage NetSuite’s capabilities to their fullest. By adopting best practices and embracing the right technologies, companies can navigate the month-end close with confidence, making informed decisions that drive growth and success. We encourage businesses to explore these strategies and reach out to our team at Hundred MS for tailored support in optimizing their financial operations. FAQs on Month-End Close Process 1. What information does accounting need for a month-end close? Accounting needs all financial transactions, bank statements for reconciliation, accounts receivable and payable details, inventory records, and fixed asset information for the month-end close. 2. How long does the month-end close process typically take? The month-end close process duration varies, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks, depending on the organization’s size and efficiency of processes. 3. What is the NetSuite financial close process? The NetSuite financial close process uses NetSuite’s ERP features to automate month-end tasks, including reconciliations, journal entries, and financial reporting, for an efficient close. 4. How to close a month-end period in NetSuite? To close a month-end in NetSuite, finalize transactions, reconcile accounts, adjust entries, generate reports, close sub-ledgers, lock the period, and document the process. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

Mastering Month-End Close Process for Better Financial Management Read More »

Infographic illustrating the top CFO strategies for 2024.

5 Essential CFO Strategies 2024: Drive Your Company’s Success

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, effective CFO strategies are more critical than ever. The role of a CFO has transformed, requiring a blend of traditional and innovative CFO skills. This evolution is pivotal in steering companies towards sustainable growth and profitability. In this article, we delve into how these strategies are reshaping the financial backbone of businesses, ensuring their competitive edge in the dynamic market of 2024. 1. Digital Transformation in Finance Management as one of the most relevant CFO strategies for 2024 One of the most significant CFO strategies in 2024 is embracing digital transformation. This involves integrating advanced digital technologies into all aspects of finance management. By adopting tools like AI, machine learning, and cloud computing, CFOs can enhance efficiency, improve accuracy in forecasting, and provide deeper financial insights. This digital shift not only streamlines CFO accounting processes but also transforms CFOs into strategic advisors who leverage data for better decision-making. 2. Fostering Finance and Business Partnerships The CFO’s role extends to fostering partnerships across the organization, integrating financial insights into all aspects of business strategy. CFO as a Finance Business Partner: Collaborating across departments. Strategic Finance: Integrating financial acumen into business decision-making. As finance business partners, CFOs collaborate with different departments to understand and improve the overall health of the company. This comprehensive approach helps in identifying inefficiencies, optimizing resource allocation, and driving sustainable growth. 3. Advanced Scenario Planning Scenario planning has become a critical tool for strategic finance, especially in an unpredictable economic environment. CFOs are now expected to develop comprehensive models that can predict a range of future financial scenarios. This approach allows businesses to prepare for various market conditions, from rapid growth opportunities to potential downturns. Effective scenario planning ensures that a company can pivot quickly and efficiently, regardless of the financial climate. 4. Building Effective CFO Reporting Structure and Automation A well-organized CFO reporting structure, coupled with automation, is vital for modern CFOs. A robust CFO reporting structure is essential for clear communication and informed decision-making. This ensures the efficient conveyance of financial insights to all stakeholders. Enhancing Decision-Making: Through accurate and relevant financial reports. Processes in Finance: Streamlining reporting for better business insights. Automation in finance, championed by strategic CFOs, is transforming financial processes. This shift not only increases efficiency and accuracy but also allows CFOs to focus on strategic initiatives. CFO Automation Tools: Leveraging technology for smarter financial management. Finance Organisational Structure: Redefining roles to focus more on strategy and less on manual tasks.  These improvements in reporting and automation not only enhance the efficiency of the finance department but also empower better decision-making across the organization. 5. Maximizing Efficiency with CFO Outsourcing Services Outsourcing CFO services has emerged as a strategic finance approach in 2024. Many companies, especially small to mid-sized businesses, are turning to outsourced CFOs for high-level financial expertise without the cost of a full-time executive. This strategy provides businesses with access to top-tier financial skills, such as strategic planning, fundraising, and financial analysis, which are crucial for driving growth and navigating complex financial landscapes. In this context, firms like Hundred MS stand out as exemplary solutions for those seeking outsourced CFO services. With the expert team and tailored approach, Hundred MS offers the strategic guidance and financial acumen typically associated with top-tier CFOs, making them a preferred choice for businesses aiming to harness the benefits of outsourcing. Conclusion Embracing these five essential CFO strategies in 2024 – digital transformation in finance management, fostering finance and business partnerships, advanced scenario planning, building effective CFO reporting structure and automation, and maximizing efficiency with CFO outsourcing services – can significantly drive a company’s success. For businesses looking to implement these strategies, particularly in outsourcing CFO services, firms like Hundred MS offer invaluable expertise. Their tailored approach in providing CFO services ensures that businesses not only stay abreast of the latest finance strategies for business but also benefit from the strategic insight necessary in today’s competitive landscape.Visit Hundred MS for more insights and support in finance and business management, and share your thoughts or questions in the comments below. FAQs about CFO strategies 1. How do CFO strategies impact business growth? CFO strategies, particularly in areas like digital transformation and scenario planning, directly influence a company’s financial health and growth potential. By implementing these strategies, CFOs can provide deeper insights, improve decision-making, and drive efficient resource allocation. 2. Does a CFO formulate or implement strategy? A CFO both formulates and implements strategy. They play a critical role in shaping financial strategies and ensuring their successful execution within the business. This dual role is crucial for aligning financial goals with overall business objectives. 3. What are the benefits of outsourcing CFO services? Outsourcing CFO services, such as those offered by Hundred MS, provides businesses with access to high-level financial expertise without the expense of a full-time CFO. This can include strategic planning, financial analysis, and tailored solutions to unique business challenges. 4. Why are finance strategies for business essential in 2024? Finance strategies for business are essential in 2024 due to the increasing complexity and competitiveness of the global market. They ensure that businesses are financially well-positioned to adapt to market changes, leverage opportunities, and maintain sustainable growth.   Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

5 Essential CFO Strategies 2024: Drive Your Company’s Success Read More »

Illustration of NetSuite Bookkeeping Services Enhancing Business Financial Management

Dual Power: Uniting Bookkeeping Prowess with NetSuite Implementation for Superior Results

Efficient financial management is crucial in today’s dynamic business landscape. The challenge for many companies lies in balancing the intricacies of bookkeeping with the adoption of comprehensive software solutions like NetSuite. At Hundred MS, we understand that the fusion of NetSuite bookkeeping services with proficient NetSuite implementation can dramatically transform a business’s financial handling.  This blog delves into the criticality of this combination, emphasizing how NetSuite implementation, integrated with expert guidance in bookkeeping in NetSuite, are indispensable for businesses aiming to streamline their financial processes and achieve remarkable success. Harmonizing Bookkeeping in NetSuite: A Comprehensive Approach Enhancing Financial Management with NetSuite Bookkeeping Services NetSuite, a comprehensive cloud-based ERP solution, revolutionizes traditional bookkeeping. When you integrate NetSuite’s robust features with expert bookkeeping, you create a powerhouse of financial accuracy and efficiency. This NetSuite bookkeeping services ensures: Real-time financial reporting Streamlined financial processes Enhanced data accuracy Expertise in Both Fields: A Necessity Why is expertise in both bookkeeping and NetSuite implementation crucial? The answer lies in the complexity of financial management today. Our experts at Hundred MS are adept in both areas, providing a seamless integration of services that guarantees: Flawless implementation of NetSuite tailored to your business needs Skilled handling of your financial records for maximum accuracy Real-World Benefits of NetSuite Bookkeeping Services Businesses that have combined NetSuite implementation with expert bookkeeping services have seen: Improved Financial Decision-Making: Integrating NetSuite bookkeeping services provides accurate, real-time financial data, enabling more informed and strategic business decisions. Streamlined Accounting Processes: Utilizing NetSuite bookkeeping enhances efficiency by automating routine tasks, reducing manual errors, and simplifying complex accounting workflows. Significant Time and Cost Savings: The efficiency gained from combining NetSuite implementation with expert bookkeeping services leads to considerable reductions in time spent on accounting tasks and overall financial management costs. What Does This Mean for Your Business? For your business, this synergy means a more robust, efficient, and accurate financial management system. It translates into tangible benefits like: Enhanced financial visibility Improved regulatory compliance Increased profitability For more insights and guidance on how to leverage NetSuite bookkeeping in your business, visit Hundred MS’s resource page for expert advice and tips. Conclusion The dual expertise in NetSuite implementation and bookkeeping in NetSuite is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity for modern businesses seeking financial clarity and efficiency. At Hundred MS, we don’t just understand this; we embody it. Embrace the power of this combination and watch as your financial processes transform, leading you to unprecedented success. Reach out to us on Hundred MS website to explore how we can tailor this dual expertise to your unique needs.   FAQs: Unraveling Common Queries 1.    What makes NetSuite unique for bookkeeping? NetSuite offers real-time financial data, customizable features, and scalability, making it ideal for modern bookkeeping needs. 2.    How does expertise in both areas benefit my business?  It ensures not only correct software implementation but also its optimal use for precise and efficient bookkeeping. 3.    Can small businesses benefit from NetSuite bookkeeping services? Absolutely. NetSuite’s scalability makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes, ensuring growth and adaptability. Professional NetSuite consultants will help you determine bookkeeping needs of your business and find solutions to them. 4.    What kind of support can I expect from Hundred MS in NetSuite implementation? From initial setup to ongoing support, our team offers comprehensive assistance, ensuring your NetSuite system aligns perfectly with your bookkeeping needs. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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NetSuite Integration with Other Business Functions

Integrating NetSuite with Other Business Functions: A Holistic Approach

In today’s fast-paced business environment, integrating various business functions is crucial for operational excellence. NetSuite, a comprehensive ERP solution, stands at the forefront of this integration, particularly in the realm of NetSuite accounting. This article aims to demystify the process of NetSuite integrations and highlight their benefits.  We will explore how businesses can enhance their finance, procurement, CRM, and other key functions through strategic NetSuite implementation and the expertise of NetSuite consultants. Emphasizing the role of NetSuite as a partner in business improvement, we’ll delve into the practical aspects of this integration, offering insights for both new and experienced users. How Do NetSuite Integrations Work? NetSuite integrations simplify and enhance business operations by connecting various applications with the NetSuite ERP system. Here’s a breakdown of how these integrations work: Assessment and Planning: NetSuite consultants analyze your business needs, ensuring the integration aligns with your specific operational goals. Customized Implementation: During NetSuite implementation, the focus is on tailoring the system to seamlessly integrate with existing business functions, such as finance and sales. Role of NetSuite Partners: As NetSuite partners, these consultants are instrumental in facilitating a smooth transition, leveraging their expertise to optimize each integration point for maximum efficiency. Scalability and Flexibility: NetSuite’s strength lies in its adaptability, making it suitable for diverse business environments and scalable to accommodate growth. Unified Operations: The integration connects disparate systems, providing a consolidated view of business operations. This integration fosters improved decision-making and enhanced overall performance. NetSuite Integration Benefits NetSuite integration offers key advantages that streamline business operations: Efficiency: Automates and synchronizes data across departments, reducing manual work and errors. Real-Time Data: Enables access to up-to-date information for quick, informed decisions. Scalability: Easily adapts to business growth, accommodating new requirements smoothly. Cost Savings: Streamlines processes, reducing operational expenses over time. Enhanced Customer Service: Integrates CRM for improved customer interactions and personalization. Better Analytics: Offers comprehensive analytics and reporting for deeper insights and strategic planning. These benefits collectively enhance business performance and competitiveness. Business Functions Suitable for NetSuite Integration NetSuite’s versatile ERP platform is designed to integrate smoothly with a variety of business functions, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. Here are some key business areas where NetSuite integration proves particularly advantageous: Finance and Accounting: Integrating NetSuite with finance and accounting streamlines financial operations, improves accuracy, and ensures compliance, facilitating real-time financial reporting and analysis. Procurement: NetSuite integration optimizes procurement processes, enhancing supplier management, purchase order processing, and cost control. Manufacturing: For manufacturing operations, integration with NetSuite enables better production planning, resource allocation, and inventory control, leading to increased efficiency and reduced waste. Inventory Management: NetSuite provides comprehensive inventory management capabilities, ensuring accurate stock levels, demand forecasting, and efficient order fulfillment. Order Management: Integrating order management with NetSuite helps in automating order-to-cash processes, improving customer service and reducing processing time. Warehouse Management: NetSuite’s integration streamlines warehouse operations, from inventory tracking to shipping, enhancing overall logistical efficiency. Supply Chain Management: Effective supply chain management is facilitated by NetSuite integration, offering better visibility, collaboration, and agility across the supply chain. CRM (Customer Relationship Management): By integrating CRM, businesses can gain a unified view of customer interactions, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. Workforce Management: NetSuite integration aids in managing workforce-related functions, including scheduling, labor analysis, and payroll, ensuring operational harmony. These integrations not only streamline individual business functions but also foster a cohesive and synchronized operational environment, crucial for business success in the modern landscape. Integration Strategies and Best Practices Effective NetSuite integration, crucial for business improvement, combines strategic methods with best practices: Engage NetSuite Consultants: Their expertise ensures a tailored, efficient integration across key business functions, especially in NetSuite accounting. Customized Implementation Plan: Focus on specific business areas, leveraging NetSuite ERP’s flexibility for optimal integration. Incremental Integration: Implement in phases, ensuring smooth transition and minimal disruption. Collaborate with a NetSuite Partner: Gain insights into advanced integration methods and practices for enhanced benefits. Ongoing Evaluation and Adaptation: Regularly assess the integration’s impact, adjusting strategies for continuous improvement. Adhering to these practices ensures a successful NetSuite integration, maximizing efficiency and overall business functionality. Conclusion In summary, integrating business functions with NetSuite offers a pathway to enhanced efficiency and strategic business improvement. By leveraging the expertise of NetSuite consultants and partners, and adopting tailored integration methods, businesses can maximize the benefits of NetSuite ERP. Don’t hesitate to contact Hundred MS experts and get your free NetSuite consultation. This strategic approach not only streamlines operations but also positions companies for scalable growth and success in an increasingly digital business landscape. FAQs 1. What are the primary benefits of integrating business functions with NetSuite? Integrating with NetSuite enhances operational efficiency, ensures real-time data access, improves customer service, and offers scalable solutions tailored to business growth. 2. How does NetSuite integration impact financial management within a company? NetSuite integration streamlines financial processes, ensuring accurate real-time reporting and analysis, which aids in better financial decision-making and compliance management. 3. Can NetSuite integration be customized for specific business needs? Yes, NetSuite offers flexible integration options that can be customized to meet specific business requirements, whether it’s for small-scale operations or large, complex systems. 4. What role do NetSuite consultants play in the integration process? NetSuite consultants assess business needs, advise on best integration practices, help customize the integration plan, and provide support throughout the implementation process to ensure a smooth transition. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

Integrating NetSuite with Other Business Functions: A Holistic Approach Read More »

Narek Abgaryan
Narek is the CEO and co-founder of Hundred MS. With a dynamic career that spans investment firms, asset management, risk management, and corporate finance, Narek has demonstrated a profound ability to navigate and innovate within the financial sector. His work across various countries and in diverse financial domains reflects a global perspective and an adaptable, forward-thinking approach. He Brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from the worlds of finance and technology. As a distinguished graduate of the University of Oxford and Hult International Business School, Narek has earned a reputation for excellence in the financial domain. His credentials, including the esteemed CFA and FRM certifications, are a testament to his deep understanding and expertise.
Narek Abgaryan
CFA, FRM, Fund Manager & CEO
Narek is the CEO of Hundred CJSC. Before embarking upon this position, he accumulated 7+ years of multinational experience including the positions of CEO, Head of Research and Member of the Board at various licensed and regulated investment companies. Narek is a graduate of Hult International Business School, Armenian State University of Economics and is currently pursuing his education at Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford. Narek is a CFA charter holder and a certified FRM.
Our Mission
Our mission is to extend our partner-based, specialized and cost-effective cooperation to our clients to enable them to focus on their long-term strategy and leverage their core competencies around value-creating activities, thereby boosting Armenia’s economic development.
Our Vision
We have a deep conviction that the financial system is the pillar of our civilizations. Economies that are exploding with growth are the ones that adopted modern finance. We aim to reach a reality where access to unconventional finance technics should be within reach of every economic unit. This shall empower everyone to allocate their human and financial capital more purposefully and innovatively for the benefit of a secure, wealthy, and responsible society.
In "Hundred" CJSC, we are structuring our goals to revolve around the best interests of our investors and business partners. The basis we build our strategy on is satisfaction of expectations of our Clients, by bringing substantial profits to them through ethical management of investments, assets and portfolios. In the path of achieving the set tasks, we target new financial products adapted to the Client’s needs and offer variety combinations of interdisciplinary innovations. Following our set of values, we see our short-term goal in becoming one of the leading players in the domestic market, pursuing the long-term ambitious goal of integration into regional and global financial markets.
Corporate Values
We believe that earning the trust of each Client cements the next layer of the foundation of the Company’s reputation. Financial relations are built on trust; thus, our reputation is the heart of our business. Our allocentric approach to dealing with clients ensures that we always put their interests first. We do our utmost to make sure that our decisions are utterly disconnected from the greed when it comes to rendering our services. Promulgating ethics and adhering to the highest professional standards are the bedrocks of our corporate values.
  • Are your financial records more puzzling than they should be?
  • Has the audit process become a recurring nightmare for your firm?
  • Do important financial decisions stall due to unclear or absent financial reports?
  • Are high operational costs without clear returns keeping you awake at night?
  • Is hiring and maintaining a full-fledged financial team putting a strain on your resources?
  • Are you in the dark about your company's true valuation and need clarity?
  • Is the challenge of cleaning up your accounting books holding your business back?
  • Are outdated systems causing inefficiencies, prompting the need for an ERP implementation?
  • Have you identified the need for a robust risk management strategy but don't know where to start?
  • Are you looking for a one-stop firm that can handle everything from corporate strategy to asset management?
Are You Ready to Transform Your Businesses’ Financial Landscape?
Are You Ready to Transform Your Businesses’ Financial Landscape?
  • Are your financial records more puzzling than they should be?
  • Has the audit process become a recurring nightmare for your firm?
  • Do important financial decisions stall due to unclear or absent financial reports?
  • Are high operational costs without clear returns keeping you awake at night?
  • Is hiring and maintaining a full-fledged financial team putting a strain on your resources?
  • Are you in the dark about your company's true valuation and need clarity?
  • Is the challenge of cleaning up your accounting books holding your business back?
  • Are outdated systems causing inefficiencies, prompting the need for an ERP implementation?
  • Have you identified the need for a robust risk management strategy but don't know where to start?
  • Are you looking for a one-stop firm that can handle everything from corporate strategy to asset management?
Levon Garibyan
Levon, the co-founder and Business Development Director of Hundred MS, brings over a decade of international experience to his role. His career spans managing private firms with diverse business profiles across the UK, UAE, and Russian Federation. Levon has not only excelled in steering these companies towards growth but has also specialized in business development strategy and fundraising. His expertise in these areas has significantly contributed to the expansion and success of these firms. Levon's academic background is equally impressive, having studied at Cranfield University School of Management and Moscow State University of International Affairs (MGIMO), where he honed his skills in business management and international affairs.
Levon Garibyan
Levon is the Business Development Director and Strategy Specialist of the company. He acquired international experience of more than 10 years, managing private firms with various business profiles in UK, UAE and Russian Federation. Levon studied in Cranfield University School of Management and Moscow State University of International Affairs (MGIMO).
Business Development, Strategy & Fundraising
David Tarkhanyan
David is the co-founder of Hundred MS and the CEO of Hundred MS GmbH. His track record in delivering innovative financial solutions and driving performance improvement initiatives showcases his ability to lead complex projects and navigate the intricate world of finance. David's breadth of experience has equipped him with the unique ability to understand and address the multifaceted challenges businesses face today. His exceptional qualifications, marked by the CFA and FRM certifications, reflect his deep commitment to financial mastery and strategic insight. David's career is characterized by a wide-ranging experience in investment banking, performance management, controlling, and reporting, among other critical financial domains.
David Tarkhanyan
David Tarkhanyan
David Tarkhanyan
Financial Controlling Investment Banking
David is the co-founder of Hundred MS. He is a Banking specialist with a focus on Financial Controlling, Planning, and Performance Management. His experience extends more than 10 years in various investment banks in Vienna and Frankfurt. David studied Physics at Bauman University and Industrial Engineering at the American University of Armenia.