
The Complete Guide to NetSuite Modules for New Users

In today’s dynamic business environment, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems like NetSuite ERP cannot be overstated. They centralize operations, ensuring accurate data across all departments. Effective NetSuite implementation streamlines various business processes, facilitating seamless integration.  Moreover, NetSuite migration allows businesses to upgrade from legacy systems without disrupting existing workflows. This ensures continuous improvement in a rapidly evolving market, making it essential for sustained business success. What Are NetSuite Modules? NetSuite modules are specialized components designed to extend the functionality of the NetSuite ERP platform. By integrating these modules, businesses can tailor the system to meet their specific operational needs. These modules not only streamline processes but also enhance the flow of information across various organizational functions. They enable customization in areas such as financial management, customer relationship management, inventory control, and e-Commerce.  With NetSuite modules, companies gain the ability to optimize their workflows, improve data accuracy, and boost overall productivity. Key NetSuite Modules NetSuite Financial Management Modules Advanced Financials: Enhances budgeting and expense management within NetSuite ERP. SuiteBilling: Integrates billing with revenue recognition standards. Revenue Management: Automates revenue forecasting and recognition, ensuring compliance. AP Automation: Streamlines invoice processing and payment workflows. Bill Capture: Eliminates manual entry by automating invoice data capture. Planning & Budgeting: Supports detailed budgeting with robust modeling tools. Account Reconciliation: Standardizes reconciliation processes to improve accuracy. Enterprise Performance Management (EPM): Enhances decision-making through integrated financial management. Multi-Book Accounting: Records transactions across multiple standards without redundancy. OneWorld: Manages multinational operations with ease. Dunning Letters: Automates reminders for accounts receivable. Fixed Assets Management: Tracks depreciation schedules accurately. Electronic Bank Payments: Secures and simplifies electronic transactions. NetSuite Customer Relationship Management Modules CRM: Manages customer interactions and tracks sales performance efficiently. Contract Renewals: Streamlines the renewal process to enhance customer retention. Incentive Compensation: Manages complex compensation plans to motivate sales teams. CPQ: Reduces errors in pricing complex products through automated tools. NetSuite Business Intelligence Module Analytics Warehouse: Offers deep insights by consolidating data across platforms. NetSuite Inventory and Order Management Modules Advanced Inventory Management: Optimizes stock levels and improves order fulfillment. Smart Count: Ensures accurate inventory tracking and management. Advanced Order Management: Automates order processing to increase efficiency. Commerce Modules: Supports robust e-commerce integration. NetSuite Commerce Modules SuiteCommerce: Provides a seamless, customizable online shopping experience. SuiteCommerce Advanced: Gives developers full control over ecommerce customization. SuiteCommerce InStore: Enhances in-store customer experiences through mobile solutions. SuiteCommerce MyAccount: Allows customers to manage transactions online effortlessly. Connector: Links NetSuite with external ecommerce platforms seamlessly. NetSuite Human Resources Modules Payroll: Manages payroll and compliance for diverse workforces. SuitePeople HR: Centralizes employee data and supports HR decision-making. SuitePeople Performance Management: Enhances employee engagement through effective performance reviews. SuitePeople Workforce Management: Manages scheduling and labor costs efficiently. Field Service Management Modules Streamlines communication and operations between the field and office. NetSuite Professional Services Automation Modules SuiteProjects: Integrates project management within NetSuite. Project Management: Tracks project timelines and budgets effectively. OpenAir: Offers tools for service organizations to manage operations globally. NetSuite Supply Chain Modules Procurement: Automates and standardizes purchasing processes. Warehouse Management System (WMS): Enhances warehouse operations with advanced tracking systems. Ship Central: Facilitates efficient packing and shipping operations. Demand Planning: Uses historical data to predict and manage inventory needs. Quality Management: Organizes and tracks product testing protocols. Work in Process (WIP) and Routings: Provides insights into manufacturing processes. Work Orders and Assemblies: Manages the assembly of complex products. Advanced Manufacturing: Connects disparate manufacturing systems for streamlined operations. Choosing the Right NetSuite Modules Selecting the right NetSuite modules depends on your specific business needs and strategic goals. To ensure that your organization leverages NetSuite’s capabilities to its fullest potential, it’s crucial to adopt a strategic approach when choosing these modules. Collaborating with NetSuite implementation specialists, such as those from Hundred MS, provides expert insights and tailored advice based on your specific business processes and industry requirements. The professionals at Hundred MS are adept at identifying which modules will most effectively enhance your operational efficiency, improve data accuracy, and drive business growth. This personalized guidance is invaluable, helping you make informed decisions that will deliver long-term benefits to your organization. Conclusion Implementing the right NetSuite modules is crucial for harnessing the full power of ERP to drive business success. With a system as robust and versatile as NetSuite, tailored to meet the diverse needs of various industries and business models, any organization can enhance its operational efficiencies and strategic capabilities. At Hundred MS, our experts are committed to guiding you through every step of your NetSuite implementation and migration, ensuring that your business is equipped with the best tools to thrive in a competitive landscape.   Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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The Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Infrastructure Management

In today’s digital world, managing cloud infrastructure is key to business success. Effective Cloud Infrastructure Management ensures that cloud services and cloud software are optimized, secure, and scalable. This management is essential for businesses to stay agile and competitive. By mastering these areas, companies can improve performance and adapt quickly to changing market demands. This guide will show you how crucial proper cloud management is and how it can transform your business operations. What is Cloud Infrastructure? Cloud infrastructure refers to the virtual and physical resources that deliver cloud services. It consists of hardware like servers and storage, along with software that manages data. These components work together to form the cloud architecture, which supports everything from email to complex data analysis. This infrastructure allows businesses to store data remotely and access it via the internet, offering flexibility and scalability. Understanding cloud architecture is key to leveraging its full potential, enabling efficient operation and innovation in many industries. Benefits of a Cloud-Based Infrastructure Choosing cloud infrastructure services brings several key advantages that help businesses thrive. These are some of the main benefits: Scalability: Cloud infrastructure easily scales to match your company’s growth or demand spikes. Cost-Efficiency: You save on the costs of maintaining physical servers and other hardware. Accessibility: Access your data and services from anywhere, at any time, enhancing workflow flexibility. Reliability: Cloud providers offer robust systems that ensure services are always available and data is safe. Innovation: With cloud infrastructure, deploying new apps or services happens faster, keeping you ahead in your market. These cloud infrastructure benefits make it an excellent choice for businesses looking to improve efficiency and adaptability. Types of Cloud Infrastructure There are several types of cloud infrastructure, each serving different needs and objectives. Understanding these can help you choose the best option for your organization: Public Cloud: Services and infrastructure are provided off-site over the Internet and shared across multiple organizations. Private Cloud: Dedicated solely to one organization, offering greater control and security. Hybrid Cloud: Combines both public and private clouds, allowing more flexibility and deployment options. Community Cloud: Shared between organizations with common goals or regulatory concerns, it offers a collaborative environment. Each type of cloud infrastructure has unique benefits, tailored to specific business strategies and requirements. What is Cloud Infrastructure Management? How to Manage Cloud Infrastructure? Cloud Infrastructure Management is the process of overseeing and controlling the cloud infrastructure components like servers, storage, and network services. It ensures that the technical and service aspects of the cloud are operating optimally. Here’s how effective cloud management is typically achieved: Regular Monitoring: Keep track of system performance, security, and potential disruptions. Resource Optimization: Allocate resources effectively to maximize efficiency and minimize cost. Security Measures: Implement strong security protocols to protect data and comply with regulations. Automation: Use automation tools for routine tasks to improve accuracy and save time. Disaster Recovery Planning: Prepare strategies for data backup and system recovery to handle potential data loss situations. These steps are crucial for maintaining a robust, secure, and efficient cloud environment, enhancing the overall cloud transformation strategy. Cloud Infrastructure Management Hurdles Managing cloud infrastructure efficiently comes with its set of challenges. Here are some common hurdles in cloud infrastructure management: Security Risks: Keeping data secure against cyber threats is a continuous concern. Cost Management: Monitoring and controlling cloud spending can be complex and unpredictable. Compliance: Meeting regulatory requirements demands constant vigilance and adaptation. Technical Complexity: Managing the diverse and dynamic nature of cloud technologies requires specialized knowledge. Performance Issues: Ensuring consistent performance as demands on the system change is challenging. Overcoming these hurdles is key to maintaining a reliable and effective cloud engineering strategy.  How to Optimize Your Cloud Infrastructure Management Optimizing cloud infrastructure management can significantly enhance your operations. Here are effective tips and best practices: Automate Processes: Implement automation to streamline operations and reduce errors in cloud management. Continuous Monitoring: Keep a close watch on performance and security to address issues promptly. Use Analytics: Leverage data analytics to gain insights and make informed decisions about resource allocation. Skill Development: Train your team in the latest cloud technologies and best practices for effective management. Vendor Management: Choose and manage cloud service providers carefully to ensure they meet your business needs. By following these strategies, you can improve your cloud infrastructure management, making it more efficient and responsive to your organization’s needs. Some Examples of Cloud Infrastructure Management Platforms Here’s a look at some leading cloud infrastructure management platforms and their key features: Amazon Web Services (AWS): Offers extensive scalability and a vast array of tools for automation, security, and analytics. AWS is known for its flexibility in hosting dynamic websites and complex applications. Microsoft Azure: Provides strong hybrid capabilities, allowing seamless integration with existing on-premises systems. Azure excels in enterprise environments, offering tools for AI, machine learning, and IoT. Oracle Cloud: Stands out with its high-performance computing offerings and strong focus on database management. Oracle Cloud is particularly beneficial for businesses that require robust data analysis capabilities. IBM Cloud: Features powerful AI and machine learning functionalities with Watson. IBM Cloud is ideal for businesses looking to incorporate cognitive solutions into their cloud infrastructure. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Renowned for its data analytics and machine learning services. GCP provides cost-effective solutions with deep integration into Google’s advertising and search services. Each platform brings unique benefits, tailored to different technical and business needs, enhancing overall cloud infrastructure management. Components of Cloud Infrastructure Understanding the components of cloud infrastructure is key to leveraging its full capabilities. Here are the essential elements: Hardware: This includes servers, storage devices, and data centers that physically store your data and run applications. Hardware is the backbone of cloud architecture. Software: Software in cloud infrastructure comprises the operating systems and applications that manage and utilize the hardware resources. This includes cloud management and monitoring tools. Networks: Robust network infrastructure connects the hardware and software components. It ensures fast, secure, and reliable communication between data centers and end-users. Together, these cloud components form an

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An isometric illustration of a modern office environment with diverse professionals engaged in financial reporting and analysis activities.

Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Financial Reporting and Analysis

In today’s complex business environment, mastering the art of financial reporting and analysis is not just a necessity—it’s a game changer. This comprehensive guide delves into what financial reporting and analysis entail, explores the essential tools that aid in this process, and highlights the benefits of using advanced systems like NetSuite for financial reporting. We’ll also discuss how Hundred MS stands out as a leading provider of these critical services. What is Financial Reporting and Analysis? Financial reporting encompasses the systematic recording, maintaining, and communicating of financial transactions. Companies use this data to track performance, make strategic decisions, and communicate with stakeholders. Financial reporting and analysis go hand in hand, as analysis interprets data to provide insights. Effective financial reporting and analysis help companies understand their financial health, enabling proactive decision-making. Essential Tools for Financial Reporting and Analysis To effectively manage financial reporting and analysis, businesses must equip themselves with the right tools. Here are some key technologies and practices: Software Solutions: Advanced software plays a critical role. It automates data collection and ensures accuracy and consistency. Analytical Techniques: Tools like ratio analysis, trend analysis, and variance analysis provide deeper insights. Dashboards and Visualizations: These help in summarizing complex data into understandable formats, making analysis more accessible. Incorporating these tools can transform raw data into actionable insights, enhancing strategic planning and operational efficiency. NetSuite Financial Reporting NetSuite stands out in the realm of financial reporting. It offers comprehensive features that support robust financial reporting and financial statement analysis. Here’s how NetSuite makes a difference: Real-time Data Access: NetSuite provides up-to-the-minute financial data, ensuring that businesses have the most current information at their fingertips. Customization and Scalability: Whether you need detailed reports or high-level overviews, NetSuite can be tailored to meet diverse needs. Integration Capabilities: It seamlessly integrates with other systems, ensuring that all data channels feed into a central reporting module. NetSuite’s capabilities not only simplify but also enhance the quality of financial reporting and analysis. Why Choose Hundred MS for Financial Reporting and Analysis? When it comes to financial reporting and analysis, Hundred MS is a cut above the rest. As a top provider, we combine deep industry knowledge with state-of-the-art technology solutions like NetSuite. Here’s why businesses choose Hundred MS: Expertise: Our team has extensive experience in financial reporting and analysis, ensuring that your financial data is in skilled hands. Custom Solutions: We tailor our services to meet your specific needs, helping you make the most of your financial information. Continuous Support: Hundred MS provides ongoing support and advice, helping you navigate the complexities of financial data. At Hundred MS, we don’t just manage your financial reporting—we optimize it for maximum strategic value. Adapting to Evolving Financial Reporting Standards As financial landscapes evolve, so do reporting standards. Staying ahead means adapting quickly to changes such as new regulatory requirements or financial reporting standards. With advanced tools and expert guidance, businesses can ensure compliance and maintain accuracy in their financial reports, making adaptation smoother and more efficient. Harnessing the Power of Data for Strategic Advantage In the era of big data, leveraging financial data to gain strategic insights is crucial. By analyzing financial trends and patterns, businesses can predict future conditions, plan more effectively, and gain a competitive edge. Effective financial reporting and analysis turn data into a strategic asset, driving smarter business decisions. Conclusion Effective financial reporting and analysis are fundamental to navigating today’s business challenges. With the right tools and expertise, such as those provided by NetSuite and Hundred MS, businesses can transform their financial data into a cornerstone of their strategic planning. As we continue to advance in our financial practices, partnering with experts like Hundred MS ensures that your financial operations are not just managed, but optimized for success. Embrace the future of financial reporting and analysis—unlock your business’s potential today. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. What is the importance of financial reporting and analysis for a business? Financial reporting and analysis are crucial for understanding a company’s financial health, making informed decisions, and communicating financial performance to stakeholders. These processes help businesses track their financial progress, identify trends, and address areas that require attention. 2. How does NetSuite enhance financial reporting and analysis? NetSuite provides real-time access to financial data, extensive customization, and robust integration capabilities. These features ensure that businesses have accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date financial information, which is essential for effective analysis and strategic decision-making. 3. Can NetSuite handle the financial reporting needs of all sizes of businesses? Yes, NetSuite is highly scalable and can be customized to meet the needs of different business sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Its flexibility allows it to adapt to the specific requirements of any business, making it an ideal solution for companies looking to grow and scale. 4. What are some of the key financial reporting tools that NetSuite offers? NetSuite offers a variety of financial reporting tools, including customizable financial dashboards, consolidated financial reporting for multi-entity organizations, and detailed financial analysis capabilities. These tools help businesses monitor their financial status, perform complex analyses, and generate detailed reports with ease. 5. How does Hundred MS support businesses in implementing and utilizing NetSuite for financial reporting? Hundred MS provides expert NetSuite implementation and ongoing support, ensuring that businesses can maximize their investment in the platform. Our team helps with everything from initial setup and customization to training and troubleshooting, providing a comprehensive service that covers all aspects of NetSuite financial reporting. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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Isometric illustration of a modern office engaged in fixed asset accounting with digital asset tags, depreciation charts, and maintenance activities.

The Ultimate Guide to Fixed Asset Management in 2024

In the fast-evolving business landscape of 2024, managing fixed assets has become more critical than ever. This guide simplifies the concepts of fixed asset management and fixed asset accounting, making them accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting, the key to mastering fixed assets lies in understanding their fundamental nature and leveraging the right tools to manage them effectively. Understanding Fixed Assets At their core, fixed assets are long-term tangible pieces of property or equipment a company uses to generate income. These assets are not expected to be converted into cash within a year, which is a characteristic that defines them. Fixed assets are ordinarily presented on the balance sheet. Their valuation reflects the business’s investment in assets that contribute to its revenue-generating activities. The Role of Fixed Asset Accounting Fixed asset accounting is tracking the purchase, use, and eventual disposal of fixed assets. This practice ensures accurate financial reporting, tax computation, and business valuation. It’s the backbone of financial integrity for businesses, big and small. The Importance of Fixed Asset Management Effective management of fixed assets can lead to significant cost savings, operational efficiency, and compliance with financial regulations. It involves tasks such as asset tagging, depreciation calculation, and maintenance scheduling.In this context, the role of specialized financial service providers like Hundred MS becomes invaluable. Hundred MS’s Approach to Fixed Asset Management can be presented in the following points Asset Tagging and Tracking։ With Hundred MS, asset tagging and tracking become streamlined and accurate.  Depreciation Calculation։ Depreciation calculation is a critical aspect of fixed asset management that directly impacts a company’s financial statements. Hundred MS employs sophisticated models to calculate depreciation, considering various factors accurately. Maintenance Scheduling։ Hundred MS’s maintenance scheduling services ensure that your assets are maintained timely, reducing downtime and costly emergency repairs. It’s also important to speak about the value Hundred MS Brings: Cost Savings։ By optimizing fixed asset management processes, Hundred MS helps businesses realize substantial cost savings. Efficient asset management reduces unnecessary purchases, lowers insurance costs, and minimizes taxes through accurate depreciation calculations. Operational Efficiency։ Hundred MS’s services streamline asset management workflows, freeing up valuable resources and time. This efficiency boost allows businesses to focus on their core activities, driving growth and innovation. Regulatory Compliance։ Staying compliant with ever-changing financial regulations is a challenge for many businesses. Hundred MS stays abreast of the latest regulations, ensuring that your asset management practices are fully compliant, thus avoiding costly penalties and legal issues. Strategic Decision Making։ With accurate and up-to-date asset information provided by Hundred MS, businesses can make informed strategic decisions. Whether it’s about asset acquisition, disposal, or reallocation, having reliable data at your fingertips is a game-changer. Navigating Fixed Asset Management with NetSuite NetSuite, a comprehensive business management suite, offers robust solutions for fixed asset accounting. The NetSuite Fixed Asset Management module simplifies complex processes, from tracking asset lifecycles to calculating depreciation. Key Features of NetSuite Fixed Asset Management NetSuite’s fixed asset management capabilities stand out for their ease of use and comprehensive features. They offer robust features to streamline and optimize asset management processes. Here’s a condensed overview: Lifecycle Tracking: Track and manage assets from acquisition through depreciation to disposal. Automated Depreciation: Automate depreciation calculations with support for various methods. Detailed Records: Maintain comprehensive records for each asset, including purchase details and costs. Custom Categories: Organize assets into customizable categories for better management. Maintenance Scheduling: Schedule regular maintenance to extend asset lifespan and reduce downtime. Reporting and Analytics: Access insightful reports for informed decision-making and strategic planning. Asset Revaluation: Adjust asset values for market changes or impairments. Financial Integration: Seamlessly integrate with core financial systems for accurate financial reporting. Global Compliance: Ensure compliance with international accounting standards like GAAP and IFRS. Customizable and Scalable: Tailor the system to specific needs and easily scale as your business grows. Preparing a Fixed Asset Schedule Creating a fixed asset schedule is a pivotal task for effective financial management. Here’s a straightforward guide to preparing one: List Your Fixed Assets: Begin by listing all your fixed assets. Include everything from office equipment to vehicles and buildings. Record Original Costs: For each asset, note its original purchase price. Include all costs involved in making the asset ready for use, such as installation fees. Track Accumulated Depreciation: Calculate the depreciation for each asset up to the current date. Use your chosen depreciation method, such as straight-line or declining balance. Determine Book Value: Subtract the accumulated depreciation from the original cost for each asset. This gives you the book value, representing the asset’s current value on your balance sheet. Update Regularly: Your fixed asset schedule should be a living document. Update it regularly to reflect new acquisitions, disposals, and depreciation adjustments. Use Software: Consider using NetSuite Accounting Software for accuracy and efficiency. NetSuite’s tools can automate many of the steps involved, reducing the potential for error. Review with Stakeholders: Share the schedule with relevant stakeholders, such as your finance team and auditors, to ensure accuracy and compliance. By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive fixed asset schedule that supports informed decision-making and complies with accounting standards. The Evolving Landscape of Fixed Assets Management As we move further into 2024, the importance of leveraging technology in managing fixed assets cannot be overstated. Solutions like NetSuite are at the forefront, offering agility and accuracy in asset management. Conclusion In the dynamic world of 2024, mastering fixed asset management is indispensable for businesses aiming for growth and sustainability. With the right tools and understanding, managing these assets becomes a necessity and a strategic advantage. Solutions like NetSuite are at the forefront, offering agility and accuracy in asset management. With well-prepared fixed asset management, you’re not just complying with accounting standards; you’re laying the groundwork for strategic financial planning and analysis.  And always remember, Hundred MS is always here to help you grow. Whether it’s optimizing your fixed asset management or navigating complex financial landscapes, our expertise is designed to support your journey toward sustainable growth. Nare

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Isometric illustration of a high-tech office with AI-driven data analytics for business process optimization, featuring professionals using digital tools.

Innovative Approaches to Business Process Optimization in the era of AI

Today mastering Business Process Optimization is key. This involves leveraging AI and automation to streamline operations. By simplifying complex tasks, businesses can boost efficiency and stay ahead. This introduction explores how innovative strategies can revolutionize Business Optimization, making it accessible to everyone. Understanding the essence of  business process optimization Business process optimization is the strategic practice of identifying, analyzing, and improving existing business processes to achieve more efficient results. It’s about making the most of your resources, reducing waste, and enhancing productivity through smarter work methods, often involving AI and Automation. In today’s competitive landscape, this approach is crucial as it enables organizations to stay agile, adapt to market changes quickly, and deliver superior value to customers, setting the stage for sustained growth and success. Understanding AI in the Business Context In the business context, AI refers to using advanced algorithms and computing power to simulate human intelligence. This includes learning from data, making decisions, and performing tasks with minimal human intervention. AI’s role in business spans from automating mundane tasks to providing deep insights and forecasts, enabling companies to make data-driven decisions. Its significance lies in its ability to enhance efficiency, innovate product offerings, and personalize customer experiences, thus playing a pivotal role in business optimization and competitive advantage.  PrometAI is a good example of the permanent presence of AI in business. It’s a powerful AI Business Plan Generator that lets you have high-quality and valuable business plans in minutes. These and other examples show how closely related business and artificial intelligence are. So nowadays it is impossible to imagine business optimization without artificial intelligence. How AI Can Optimize Business Processes AI can profoundly optimize business processes, as demonstrated through various real-world examples: Customer Service AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide immediate support around the clock, handling common queries and complaints with ease. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also allows human agents to focus on more complex and nuanced customer interactions. Inventory Management  AI systems can accurately forecast demand through predictive analytics, helping businesses maintain the right inventory management levels. This reduces excess stock and shortages, leading to cost savings and improved operational efficiency. Human Resources In recruitment, AI tools swiftly sift through vast numbers of applications, identifying candidates who best match the job criteria. This accelerates the hiring process and ensures a higher quality of shortlisted candidates. Sales and Marketing AI-driven analytics can personalize marketing campaigns by understanding customer preferences and behaviors, leading to higher engagement rates and increased sales conversions. Supply Chain Optimization AI algorithms optimize logistics and supply chain operations by identifying the most efficient routes and methods for delivery, reducing lead times, and lowering transportation costs. Each example underscores AI’s role in automating routine tasks, enhancing decision-making with data insights, and ultimately, driving comprehensive business process optimization. AI’s Role in Accounting Optimization AI is transforming accounting, making tasks like data entry and compliance more efficient and error-free. It offers predictive insights for better financial planning and real-time data for swift decision-making, fostering a dynamic financial management approach. Amidst this evolution, Hundred MS emerges as a frontrunner, particularly in NetSuite Accounting and Cloud Migration. By integrating AI, Hundred MS not only streamlines accounting processes but also ensures businesses leverage NetSuite’s full potential. This expertise allows clients to enjoy customized, automated, and insightful financial operations. With Hundred MS, firms are well-equipped to tackle modern accounting challenges, benefiting from advanced AI and cloud solutions for a competitive advantage. Overcoming Challenges in AI Implementation Implementing AI in business processes comes with its hurdles. Key among these is the initial investment in technology and training, which can be significant. Data privacy and security also pose major concerns, as AI systems require access to vast amounts of sensitive information. Additionally, there’s the challenge of integrating AI with existing systems, ensuring they work seamlessly together. Overcoming these obstacles involves strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and a focus on long-term value rather than just immediate gains. By addressing these challenges head-on, businesses can unlock the full potential of AI in optimizing their operations. Future Applications of AI in Business The future of AI in business holds enormous potential to further transform operations and drive innovation. We expect a surge in autonomous business processes where AI not only automates tasks but also makes Strategic Decisions, leading businesses to unprecedented efficiency. Personalization will reach new heights: AI will create a personalized experience for each customer, increasing satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, AI’s predictive capabilities will evolve, offering greater insight into market trends and allowing businesses to stay ahead of the curve. As AI technology advances, its integration into all aspects of business will become more seamless, leading to a more connected and smarter enterprise environment. Conclusion In conclusion, the integration of AI into business processes is not just a trend, but a fundamental shift towards smarter and more efficient operations. From improving customer service to optimizing supply chains, AI is changing the way businesses operate, offering unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation. However, the path to AI adoption comes with challenges that require careful consideration.  As we look to the future, the potential for artificial intelligence to further transform the business landscape is enormous, promising a new era of autonomy, personalization, and strategic insight. For those willing to embrace these changes, the rewards will be significant, paving the way to a more agile, competitive, and customer-focused business model. Adopting AI is not just about introducing new technologies; it’s about reimagining the future of business in an increasingly digital world. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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The Potential of NetSuite Customization

How NetSuite Customization Transforms Operations

In today’s fast-paced business environment, adaptability and efficiency are key. NetSuite customization empowers businesses by aligning the ERP system with their unique operational needs. Hundred MS, as a frontrunner in NetSuite customization services, ensures that your system is not just a tool but a tailored asset driving your business forward. What is NetSuite Customization? NetSuite customization involves modifying and configuring the NetSuite ERP suite to meet the specific demands of your business. It’s about making the system work for you, enhancing both functionality and user experience. As a seasoned NetSuite customization company, Hundred MS excels in adapting NetSuite to your business landscape. Why Customize NetSuite? The decision to customize NetSuite stems from the need to: Enhance operational efficiency Improve data visibility and reporting Streamline business processes Ensure scalability and flexibility Best NetSuite Customization Strategies To achieve successful customization, consider the following strategies: Define Clear Objectives: Understand what you want to achieve with customization. Prioritize Changes: Focus on modifications that offer the most significant impact. Partner with Experts: Work with experienced providers like Hundred MS for seamless implementation. Benefits of NetSuite Customization Customizing NetSuite brings numerous advantages, including: Improved efficiency through streamlined processes Enhanced decision-making with tailored reports Greater user adoption due to a user-friendly interface Scalability to grow with your business needs Things to Consider Before a Customization Embarking on customization requires careful consideration. It’s crucial to balance the need for tailored solutions with the system’s inherent best practices. Assessing the potential impact on future updates and integrations is also essential to ensure long-term success. Best Practices for NetSuite Customization Effective NetSuite customization follows a set of best practices: clear requirement mapping, phased implementation, rigorous testing, and ongoing support. Choosing a knowledgeable NetSuite customization company like Hundred MS ensures these practices are adhered to, guaranteeing a successful customization journey. FAQs on NetSuite Customization 1. What exactly is NetSuite customization? NetSuite customization involves modifying the NetSuite ERP platform to fit your specific business processes and needs, making your system more efficient and user-friendly. 2. Why should I consider customizing my NetSuite environment? Customizing NetSuite allows you to tailor the system to your unique business requirements, improving efficiency, user experience, and data analysis, thereby enhancing overall business performance. 3. What are some common types of NetSuite customizations? Common customizations include dashboard adjustments for better data visibility, report customization for more relevant insights, workflow automation to streamline operations, and custom integrations to connect with other software. 4. How does Hundred MS approach NetSuite customization? Hundred MS adopts a strategic approach, starting with understanding your business needs, followed by planning and prioritizing customizations for maximum impact, and implementing changes with minimal disruption. 5. Are there any risks associated with customizing NetSuite? While customization brings numerous benefits, it’s important to consider potential impacts on system updates and maintenance. Partnering with experts like Hundred MS minimizes these risks through best practices and ongoing support. 6. Can NetSuite customization scale with my business? Yes, one of the key advantages of NetSuite customization is its scalability. As your business grows and evolves, your NetSuite environment can be adapted to meet changing needs and challenges. 7. How long does a typical NetSuite customization project take? The duration of a customization project can vary based on complexity and scope. Hundred MS ensures a streamlined process, from planning to implementation, to minimize downtime and disruption. Conclusion NetSuite customization is a powerful tool in the modern business arsenal, offering unparalleled flexibility and efficiency. With the right partner, like Hundred MS, your NetSuite system can become a perfect fit for your business needs, driving growth and operational excellence. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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Illustration of a business transitioning from traditional servers to a cloud network, symbolizing the benefits of cloud migration.

From Ground to Cloud: Sky-High Potential of Cloud Migration

Start your journey from traditional physical servers to the wide world of cloud computing. Discover the key benefits of cloud migration, like working more efficiently, the ability to scale your business, and cost savings. In this article, we’ll get into what cloud migration really means, its main benefits, tools, and how expert companies like Hundred MS ensure a smooth transition for businesses. Understanding The Cloud Migration Cloud migration is the process of moving your digital operations from local servers or computers to the cloud or from one cloud platform to another. The cloud refers to a network of remote servers accessed over the internet where you can store data, run applications, and manage business processes. This move is like going from storing your files in a filing cabinet to keeping them online where you can access them anytime, anywhere. It’s a step that makes your business more agile and ready for the future. Moving to the cloud is fun! Benefits of Cloud Migration Switching to cloud computing isn’t just trendy; it’s a strategic move with real benefits: Cost Savings: Reduce expenses on physical hardware and enjoy flexible payment options based on your usage. Scalability: Easily adjust your resources based on your current business needs, ensuring efficiency. Accessibility: Access your data and tools from any location, making teamwork easier and more productive. Security: Benefit from advanced security measures provided by cloud platforms, offering better protection for your data. Disaster Recovery: With data automatically backed up in the cloud, you can recover from mishaps quickly and keep your business running smoothly. Ability to innovate: Moving to the cloud gives you the flexibility to try new things and adopt the latest technologies quickly, keeping you ahead in your industry. Cloud Migration Tools To make your move to the cloud smoother, there are several Cloud Migration Tools  designed to help: Assessment Tools: Software like AWS Migration Evaluator and Azure Migrate help you understand your current setup and how ready it is for the cloud. Migration Software: Tools like Google Cloud’s Velostrata, CloudEndure Migration, and Azure Site Recovery simplify the actual move, making it faster and more secure. Management and Monitoring Tools: Once you’re in the cloud, services like NetSuite provide ways to manage your operations and keep an eye on performance and costs. What is NetSuite Migration? NetSuite Migration is about moving your business operations to Oracle NetSuite, a leading cloud-based software that integrates financials, customer relationship management (CRM), eCommerce, and more. It’s ideal for businesses looking for a comprehensive, all-in-one cloud solution to manage their operations more effectively. Cloud Migration Happy Stories Real-world examples of successful cloud migration illustrate the transformative impact it can have on businesses.A regional healthcare provider was bogged down by outdated systems and data management. By moving their patient records and management systems to the cloud, they improved the security and accessibility of sensitive data.An educational institution facing challenges with remote learning adopted cloud solutions to provide a seamless and interactive learning experience. This shift made education more accessible to students regardless of their location.These stories highlight the power of cloud migration in enabling businesses to grow, innovate, and adapt to changing market demands. How Cloud Migration Service Providers Can Help? Navigating the path to the cloud can be complex. Cloud migration service providers, especially those experienced in NetSuite Migration and NetSuite Implementation like Hundred MS, play a crucial role. They guide you through the process, ensuring a straightforward move to the cloud. With their expertise, businesses can avoid common pitfalls, accelerate their cloud adoption, and unlock new opportunities for growth and efficiency. Conclusion To sum it up, moving to the cloud is a smart move for any business. It saves money, lets you grow easily, and helps you stay ahead with new tech. Plus, with experts like Hundred MS helping out, it’s a smooth ride. The success stories show it’s worth it, making businesses better and ready for what’s next. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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Open laptop displaying NetSuite dashboard on screen, symbolizing online learning and mastery of NetSuite software.

Is NetSuite hard to learn?

In today’s fast-changing business world, the need for specialized accounting software is on the rise. NetSuite Software stands out as one of the top choices. This blog will take a close look at what it takes to learn NetSuite, exploring the question, “Is NetSuite hard to learn?“. We’ll also see if learning it can bring good opportunities and rewards. Join us as we explore the key aspects of NetSuite training, its features, and how it can benefit your career or business.  A Little About NetSuite Software NetSuite Software is a smart tool for businesses. It does a lot, from keeping track of your money to managing customer relationships. NetSuite lives in the cloud. This means you can use it from anywhere, anytime. It’s built to grow with you. So as your business gets bigger, NetSuite can handle it. People love its features. They make daily tasks easier and help your business run smoothly. With NetSuite, you’re in good hands. It’s made by Oracle, a big name in tech. They know how to build software that businesses can rely on.  Things We Should Know Before Learning NetSuite Basics of ERP: Knowing what an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system does is helpful. It’s like the brain of a business, connecting different parts like sales, finance, and more. Cloud Computing: NetSuite is a cloud-based software. Understanding cloud computing can be a game-changer for businesses. Accounting Principles: Since NetSuite includes financial management, a grasp of basic accounting is useful. Business Processes: Familiarize yourself with common business tasks and workflows. This helps in understanding how NetSuite can make these processes smoother. Tech Savviness: Being comfortable with technology makes learning NetSuite easier. It’s about being ready to navigate and use software efficiently. How to Learn NetSuite Learning NetSuite can be an exciting journey. Here’s how you can start: NetSuite Training Courses: Enroll in official NetSuite training courses. They’re designed to help beginners and advanced users alike.  Guided Learning Paths: Follow structured learning paths. They take you through step-by-step lessons that build your knowledge gradually. Think of it as building blocks for your NetSuite skills. Hands-On Practice: Use NetSuite in a sandbox environment. It’s a safe space to try things out, make mistakes, and learn from them. Practice is key to mastering NetSuite. Join Online Forums: Become part of the NetSuite community. Here, you can ask questions, share experiences, and get tips from others. It’s like having a group of study buddies. Certification Programs: Aim for NetSuite certification. It’s a way to test your knowledge and show employers what you can do. Think of it as earning a badge of honor for your NetSuite skills. Use Available Resources: Look for NetSuite guides, blogs, and videos. There’s a wealth of free information out there to supplement your learning. How To Use NetSuite for Accounting? NetSuite Accounting Software acts like your business’s financial command center. It handles everything from recording sales and expenses to keeping an eye on your cash flow. Imagine it as your digital finance expert. NetSuite accounting can streamline your financial processes. Here’s how to get started: Set Up Your Account: Begin by setting up your company’s account details in NetSuite. This includes your financial year, chart of accounts, and tax settings. Think of it as laying the foundation for your financial house. Manage Your Transactions: Use NetSuite to handle daily transactions like invoices, expenses, and payments. It’s like keeping your financial records in order, day by day. Monitor Cash Flow: Keep an eye on your cash flow directly from the dashboard. NetSuite gives you a clear picture of money coming in and going out. It’s like having a financial health check at a glance. Close Your Books: NetSuite simplifies the month-end close process. With automated processes and checklists, closing your books becomes more straightforward and less time-consuming. Generate Reports: Use NetSuite’s reporting features to create financial statements and other reports. It’s like having a crystal ball that shows how your business is doing financially. Budget and Forecast: Plan your financial future with NetSuite’s budgeting and forecasting tools. These help you set financial goals and track your progress toward them. NetSuite Training: Learn NetSuite with Hundred MS Hundred MS goes beyond just guiding you through the complex process of NetSuite implementation. If you’re thinking of working with us for NetSuite, you’re in for a great learning journey. Our team is filled with top-tier professionals. Our experts have reached significant milestones in the realm of NetSuite, they’re really good at what they do and they make learning quick and easy. So, if you’re looking into NetSuite training, think about teaming up with Hundred MS. It’s a great way to learn from the best and get skilled fast. FAQs on Learning NetSuite How long will it take to learn NetSuite?If you have some background in similar software or ERP systems, you might pick it up faster. Usually, getting comfortable with the basics can take a few weeks, but becoming a pro might take months of practice. Is NetSuite difficult to use?NetSuite is designed to be user-friendly, but like any comprehensive tool, it has a lot to learn. Starting might seem tough, but with practice and good training, it gets easier.  Can I learn NetSuite on my own?Yes, you can! There are plenty of resources available, including online tutorials, training courses, and user communities. However, having a guide or a training program like the ones offered by Hundred MS can speed up your learning. Is it Worth Learning NetSuite?Absolutely. NetSuite is a leading cloud ERP that’s in high demand by businesses big and small. Knowing how to use NetSuite can open up career opportunities and help businesses run more efficiently. How to get NetSuite certified?To get NetSuite certified, you’ll need to study for and pass a certification exam. NetSuite offers several certifications, depending on your focus area. Prepare by taking NetSuite training courses, practicing your skills, and studying the exam guide. Once you feel ready, you can register for the exam through NetSuite’s official certification page. Conclusion Concluding

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How to become a financial controller

Becoming a Financial Controller: 10 Steps and Skills

Let’s take a deep dive into the charming world of financial controllers. Picture a role that’s not just about numbers but about steering the ship of a company’s financial health. In the spotlight of this guide, we’ll unwrap what it takes to become a financial controller, from the must-have skills and qualifications to the step-by-step journey towards mastering this dynamic leadership role. What is a financial controller? A financial controller stands at the base of a company’s financial health. In this key role, the controller oversees accounting activities, crafts reliable financial reports, and sets up effective controls to safeguard assets. This guiding light not only ensures compliance with financial regulations but also provides crucial insights to guide the company toward its financial goals. Whether it’s about managing budgets or advising on financial decisions, a financial controller’s influence extends across the entire financial landscape of a business, making it a pivotal position in any organization. What Does a Financial Controller Do? So, what exactly does a financial controller do? Imagine being the guardian of a company’s finances. From overseeing accounting operations to crafting bulletproof financial reports and setting up robust controls to protect assets, the role is akin to a financial lighthouse, guiding the company safely towards its monetary goals. It’s about being the go-to person for budgeting advice and financial decision-making, making the financial controller a linchpin in any business. How to become one of these financial maestros?  To become a successful financial controller, one must blend expertise in finance with strategic insight and leadership qualities.  10-Step Guide for Success Educational Foundation: Start with a strong educational background in finance, accounting, or a related field. A bachelor’s degree is essential, with many opting for further specialization through a master’s degree. Gain Relevant Experience: Early career experience in accounting or finance roles is crucial. This practical exposure lays the groundwork for understanding the intricacies of financial management. Pursue Certifications: Enhance your qualifications with professional certifications such as CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), which are highly regarded in the field. Develop Technical Skills: Master financial software and systems, especially those relevant to financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting. Proficiency in tools like Excel and ERP systems, such as NetSuite, is invaluable. Understand Financial Controls: Dive deep into the mechanisms of financial controls. Learn how to establish and maintain systems that ensure accuracy, efficiency, and compliance. Broaden Your Skillset: Acquire skills beyond traditional finance, including strategic planning, risk management, and business operations, to provide more comprehensive guidance to your organization. Leadership and Communication: Hone your leadership abilities and communication skills. As a financial controller, you’ll need to lead teams, collaborate with other departments, and present complex financial information in an understandable way. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of changes in financial regulations, industry standards, and best practices. Continuous learning is key to adapting to the evolving financial landscape. Network: Build a strong professional network. Engage with peers, join professional associations, and attend industry conferences to exchange knowledge and opportunities. Seek Mentorship: Find mentors who have succeeded in the field. Their insights and advice can provide invaluable guidance and help you navigate your career path more effectively. Financial Controller main skills to develop Let’s not forget the skills that make a financial controller stand out:  Analytical Skills: The ability to interpret complex financial data and draw accurate conclusions is fundamental. This involves a keen eye for detail and the capacity to understand broader market trends and their impact on the company’s financial health. Technical Proficiency: Mastery over financial software, accounting principles, and regulatory standards is crucial. This includes expertise in ERP systems like NetSuite, accounting software, and advanced Excel skills. Strategic Thinking: Financial controllers must see beyond the numbers to understand how financial decisions align with the company’s strategic goals. This involves long-term planning, budget forecasting, and risk assessment. Leadership and Management: Leading a team effectively requires strong leadership skills. This includes the ability to motivate, mentor, and guide team members, ensuring high performance and professional growth. Communication: Clear and concise communication is vital, especially when explaining complex financial information to non-financial stakeholders. This skill is crucial for driving decision-making and aligning the team with the company’s financial strategies. Problem-Solving: The ability to quickly identify problems and devise effective solutions is a must. This often involves innovative thinking and the ability to adapt to changing financial landscapes. Required Certifications and Licensure for Financial Controllers For those aiming to climb the ranks to become a financial controller, certain certifications and licensure serve as key milestones. The CPA (Certified Public Accountant) credential is widely recognized and respected, often considered essential for those in senior financial roles. Additionally, the CMA (Certified Management Accountant) designation can be incredibly valuable, focusing on financial management and strategic decision-making. For those specializing in areas like financial analysis or risk management, certifications such as the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) or the FRM (Financial Risk Manager) might be beneficial. These certifications not only validate expertise and commitment to the profession but also equip financial controllers with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate complex financial landscapes effectively. The path From Controller to CFO The journey from being a financial controller to climbing to the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a path filled with growth, challenges, and expanding responsibilities. As you step into the CFO role, your focus broadens from the complexities of accounting and financial control to encompass strategic leadership in financial decision-making. This transition demands not just a deep understanding of finance but also a keen insight into the overall business strategy, operations, and competitive landscape. Successful CFOs excel in areas such as strategic planning, capital investment analysis, and stakeholder management. They are visionaries who guide the financial direction of the company, aligning financial goals with business objectives and leading initiatives that drive sustainable growth. Building strong relationships within the organization and with external partners, along with a commitment to ongoing professional development, are key components of making a successful leap from controller to CFO. Conclusion As

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Business professionals discussing how to select a NetSuite consultant.

Choosing the Right Partner: How to Select a NetSuite Consultant for Your Business

Navigating the complex landscape of NetSuite’s ecosystem demands partnering with a knowledgeable NetSuite consultant. This decision is critical for businesses that aspire to leverage NetSuite’s accounting services and solutions into their existing infrastructure. Our guide is designed to illuminate the path to selecting the ideal NetSuite consulting partner, ensuring your venture harnesses the transformative power of NetSuite. What Is a NetSuite Consultant? NetSuite consultants are the architects of successful NetSuite ERP implementation. A NetSuite consulting partner is an expert in the complex world of NetSuite. They are not just technical consultants; they are strategic partners molding NetSuite’s vast capabilities into a customized strategy for your business. The ideal NetSuite partner has deep technical knowledge and an excellent understanding of industry-specific challenges to ensure your NetSuite implementation is a complete success. The Crucial Need for a NetSuite Consultant When considering a NetSuite consulting partner, it is important to understand that this cannot be an option. However, they are compelled to be partners in ensuring your NetSuite is leveraged for growth and efficiency. The comprehensive suite of ERP and accounting solutions that NetSuite offers needs to be navigated with the guidance of a seasoned NetSuite consulting service provider. Bespoke Solutions: Customizing NetSuite to align perfectly with your business processes. Strategic Insight: Mapping out a strategy that leverages NetSuite to meet your business objectives. Ongoing Support: Providing continuous assistance to ensure your NetSuite environment remains optimal. Key Responsibilities of a NetSuite Consulting Partner A NetSuite consultant wears many hats, each critical to the success of your NetSuite journey: Tailored Implementation: Guiding the end-to-end setup and customization of NetSuite to suit your business’s specific needs. Empowerment Through Training: Equipping your team with the knowledge to utilize NetSuite’s full potential. System Optimization: Continuously tweaking the system for improved efficiency and productivity. Qualifications and Skills of a NetSuite Implementation Consultant The ideal NetSuite implementation consultant possesses a solid educational background in business or IT, supplemented by specific NetSuite certifications. Their expertise is defined by: Certified Knowledge: Holding NetSuite certifications that affirm their expertise. Technical and Business Acumen: A deep understanding of ERP systems and business workflows. Analytical Prowess: The ability to dissect complex problems and devise effective solutions. Selecting the Right NetSuite Consulting Companies When the time to pick a NetSuite consulting company comes, you need to find one whose expertise aligns with your needs. Follow the below guidelines: Proven Track Record: Search for an experienced partner, whose success closely mirrors yours. Certification Matters: Give preference to partners holding NetSuite certifications. Client Feedback: Check out their reputation through reviews and testimonials from their clients. Cultural Alignment: This includes having a look at the approach and values your business holds. Ensuring the Right Fit with a NetSuite Implementation Partner Securing the right NetSuite implementation partner from the outset is crucial. Consider the following: Clarify Your Requirements: Have a clear understanding of what you need from NetSuite. Comprehensive Evaluation: Thoroughly assess potential partners against your specific criteria. In-depth Consultations: Engage in meaningful conversations and request demos to gauge their capabilities. The Value of a Reliable NetSuite Implementation Partner Your relationship with a NetSuite implementation partner is a long-term commitment. Choose a partner who is dedicated to your continuous success, characterized by: Unwavering Support: A partner who supports your business through every phase and challenge. Knowledge Sharing: A commitment to continually upskill your team to maximize the benefits of NetSuite. Innovative Approach: A forward-thinking partner who brings new solutions to the table as your business evolves. FAQs: Insights into NetSuite Consulting What Does a NetSuite Consultant Do? A NetSuite consultant optimizes and customizes the NetSuite platform for businesses, ensuring it aligns with their unique processes and goals. They handle everything from system setup and integration to training and ongoing support, maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of NetSuite solutions within the organization. Why Do Companies Choose NetSuite Consulting Services? Companies opt for NetSuite consulting services to benefit from expert guidance that ensures their NetSuite system is perfectly tailored to their business needs. These services help businesses maximize their ROI on NetSuite by ensuring the system is optimized, fully integrated, and customized to support their specific operational requirements. Why Work with a NetSuite Partner? Working with a NetSuite partner ensures access to a team with deep expertise, certified knowledge, and a proven track record in implementing NetSuite solutions. Partners provide invaluable industry insights, ongoing support, and ensure that NetSuite’s capabilities are fully leveraged to support business growth and efficiency. What Are the Roles and Responsibilities of a NetSuite Functional Consultant? A NetSuite functional consultant focuses on customizing the NetSuite system to fit a company’s specific business processes. Their key responsibilities include analyzing business needs, configuring and customizing NetSuite to meet those needs, providing user training, and offering continuous support to ensure the system operates smoothly and efficiently.   Conclusion Selecting the right NetSuite accounting consultant can make a huge difference to your business’s operational efficiency, scalability, and innovation. By meticulously evaluating potential NetSuite consultants near you or globally, you can establish a partnership that not only fulfills your current NetSuite consulting needs but also paves the way for future growth and success. Enroll on the NetSuite journey with the right consulting partner and see your business transform in front of your very eyes.  We encourage your thoughts and questions in the comments section below, or you can book a free consultation to discuss how we can be the NetSuite consulting partner that steers your business forward. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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Narek Abgaryan
Narek is the CEO and co-founder of Hundred MS. With a dynamic career that spans investment firms, asset management, risk management, and corporate finance, Narek has demonstrated a profound ability to navigate and innovate within the financial sector. His work across various countries and in diverse financial domains reflects a global perspective and an adaptable, forward-thinking approach. He Brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from the worlds of finance and technology. As a distinguished graduate of the University of Oxford and Hult International Business School, Narek has earned a reputation for excellence in the financial domain. His credentials, including the esteemed CFA and FRM certifications, are a testament to his deep understanding and expertise.
Narek Abgaryan
CFA, FRM, Fund Manager & CEO
Narek is the CEO of Hundred CJSC. Before embarking upon this position, he accumulated 7+ years of multinational experience including the positions of CEO, Head of Research and Member of the Board at various licensed and regulated investment companies. Narek is a graduate of Hult International Business School, Armenian State University of Economics and is currently pursuing his education at Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford. Narek is a CFA charter holder and a certified FRM.
Our Mission
Our mission is to extend our partner-based, specialized and cost-effective cooperation to our clients to enable them to focus on their long-term strategy and leverage their core competencies around value-creating activities, thereby boosting Armenia’s economic development.
Our Vision
We have a deep conviction that the financial system is the pillar of our civilizations. Economies that are exploding with growth are the ones that adopted modern finance. We aim to reach a reality where access to unconventional finance technics should be within reach of every economic unit. This shall empower everyone to allocate their human and financial capital more purposefully and innovatively for the benefit of a secure, wealthy, and responsible society.
In "Hundred" CJSC, we are structuring our goals to revolve around the best interests of our investors and business partners. The basis we build our strategy on is satisfaction of expectations of our Clients, by bringing substantial profits to them through ethical management of investments, assets and portfolios. In the path of achieving the set tasks, we target new financial products adapted to the Client’s needs and offer variety combinations of interdisciplinary innovations. Following our set of values, we see our short-term goal in becoming one of the leading players in the domestic market, pursuing the long-term ambitious goal of integration into regional and global financial markets.
Corporate Values
We believe that earning the trust of each Client cements the next layer of the foundation of the Company’s reputation. Financial relations are built on trust; thus, our reputation is the heart of our business. Our allocentric approach to dealing with clients ensures that we always put their interests first. We do our utmost to make sure that our decisions are utterly disconnected from the greed when it comes to rendering our services. Promulgating ethics and adhering to the highest professional standards are the bedrocks of our corporate values.
  • Are your financial records more puzzling than they should be?
  • Has the audit process become a recurring nightmare for your firm?
  • Do important financial decisions stall due to unclear or absent financial reports?
  • Are high operational costs without clear returns keeping you awake at night?
  • Is hiring and maintaining a full-fledged financial team putting a strain on your resources?
  • Are you in the dark about your company's true valuation and need clarity?
  • Is the challenge of cleaning up your accounting books holding your business back?
  • Are outdated systems causing inefficiencies, prompting the need for an ERP implementation?
  • Have you identified the need for a robust risk management strategy but don't know where to start?
  • Are you looking for a one-stop firm that can handle everything from corporate strategy to asset management?
Are You Ready to Transform Your Businesses’ Financial Landscape?
Are You Ready to Transform Your Businesses’ Financial Landscape?
  • Are your financial records more puzzling than they should be?
  • Has the audit process become a recurring nightmare for your firm?
  • Do important financial decisions stall due to unclear or absent financial reports?
  • Are high operational costs without clear returns keeping you awake at night?
  • Is hiring and maintaining a full-fledged financial team putting a strain on your resources?
  • Are you in the dark about your company's true valuation and need clarity?
  • Is the challenge of cleaning up your accounting books holding your business back?
  • Are outdated systems causing inefficiencies, prompting the need for an ERP implementation?
  • Have you identified the need for a robust risk management strategy but don't know where to start?
  • Are you looking for a one-stop firm that can handle everything from corporate strategy to asset management?
Levon Garibyan
Levon, the co-founder and Business Development Director of Hundred MS, brings over a decade of international experience to his role. His career spans managing private firms with diverse business profiles across the UK, UAE, and Russian Federation. Levon has not only excelled in steering these companies towards growth but has also specialized in business development strategy and fundraising. His expertise in these areas has significantly contributed to the expansion and success of these firms. Levon's academic background is equally impressive, having studied at Cranfield University School of Management and Moscow State University of International Affairs (MGIMO), where he honed his skills in business management and international affairs.
Levon Garibyan
Levon is the Business Development Director and Strategy Specialist of the company. He acquired international experience of more than 10 years, managing private firms with various business profiles in UK, UAE and Russian Federation. Levon studied in Cranfield University School of Management and Moscow State University of International Affairs (MGIMO).
Business Development, Strategy & Fundraising
David Tarkhanyan
David is the co-founder of Hundred MS and the CEO of Hundred MS GmbH. His track record in delivering innovative financial solutions and driving performance improvement initiatives showcases his ability to lead complex projects and navigate the intricate world of finance. David's breadth of experience has equipped him with the unique ability to understand and address the multifaceted challenges businesses face today. His exceptional qualifications, marked by the CFA and FRM certifications, reflect his deep commitment to financial mastery and strategic insight. David's career is characterized by a wide-ranging experience in investment banking, performance management, controlling, and reporting, among other critical financial domains.
David Tarkhanyan
David Tarkhanyan
David Tarkhanyan
Financial Controlling Investment Banking
David is the co-founder of Hundred MS. He is a Banking specialist with a focus on Financial Controlling, Planning, and Performance Management. His experience extends more than 10 years in various investment banks in Vienna and Frankfurt. David studied Physics at Bauman University and Industrial Engineering at the American University of Armenia.