Nare Khachatryan

Business Analyst at Hundred MS

Nare Khachatryan
Benefits of Financial Services Consulting Companies

5 Benefits of Financial Services Consulting Companies

You can change your business by working with financial services consulting companies. These experts provide useful advice and customize solutions to fit your needs. Discover how financial services consulting companies can boost your success․ What are Financial Services Consulting Companies? Financial services consulting firms help businesses with their financial needs. They offer advice on managing money, investments, and risks. They provide solutions customized to your specific goals. These firms help you understand and follow financial rules. You can make better financial decisions by working with financial services consulting companies. This support helps your business grow and succeed in a competitive market. Read also 10 Ways CFO Consulting Services Add Value to a Business. Some Types of Financial Consulting Services Financial consulting services come in many forms to help your business. These services include: Accounting services: Manages your financial records and ensures accurate bookkeeping. CFO services: Provides strategic financial leadership and planning. Financial analysis: Analyze your financial data to make the right decisions. Cash flow management: Ensures your business has enough cash to operate smoothly. Financial forecasting: Predicts future financial trends to guide your business strategy. Business valuation: Determines the worth of your business for sale or investment. Debt management: Helps you manage and reduce your business debts. Financial Services Consultant A financial services consultant helps businesses manage their finances. They offer advice on investments, budgeting, and risk management. A good financial services consultant must be/have: Knowledgeable and experienced, Strong analytical skills, Excellent communication skills, Detail-oriented and organized, Trustworthy and ethical, Problem-solving ability, Customer-focused mindset, Flexibility and openness, Strong work ethic, Ability to work under pressure. 5 Benefits of Partnering with Financial Services Consulting Companies 1. Expert Advice Get professional advice to help your business make smart financial decisions. Financial services consulting companies have experienced consultants who understand market trends and can provide valuable insights. This helps avoid common financial pitfalls and maximize your profits. 2. Customized Solutions Receive solutions tailored to your specific business needs, boosting your financial health. These companies analyze your business’s unique challenges and goals and then create strategies that work best for you. This personalized approach ensures you get the most effective solutions for your financial issues. 3. Risk Management Manage and reduce financial risks, protecting your business from potential losses. Consultants identify possible financial threats and develop plans to mitigate them. This proactive approach helps safeguard your business’s assets and ensures long-term stability. 4. Improved Efficiency Streamline your financial operations, making your business run more smoothly. Financial services consulting companies help optimize your financial processes, saving you time and money. This increased efficiency allows you to focus on core business activities and improve productivity. 5. Regulatory Compliance Stay compliant with all financial regulations, avoiding penalties and legal issues. These consultants keep up with the latest regulatory changes and ensure your business fits all legal requirements. This helps you avoid costly fines and maintain a good reputation in the market. Choosing The Right Partner For Your Financial Success Finding the best financial services consulting companies can be crucial for your business’s success. Here are the most important criteria to consider: Experience and Expertise: Look for companies with a proven track record in the industry. Experienced consultants bring valuable insights and effective strategies. Customized Solutions: Choose a firm that offers tailored solutions. Your business needs unique strategies that fit your specific goals and challenges. Reputation: Check the reputation of the consulting company. Read reviews and feedback to ensure they have a history of satisfied clients. Communication Skills: Good communication is essential. The best financial services consulting companies explain complex financial concepts in simple terms you can understand. Technological Capabilities: Ensure the company uses the latest technology. Advanced tools and software can improve financial decision-making. Why Choose Hundred MS? Hundred MS is one of the best financial services consulting companies. Here’s why you should partner with us: Extensive Experience: Our team has years of experience helping businesses achieve financial success. We understand the challenges and know how to overcome them. Personalized Solutions: We offer customized solutions that fit your specific needs. We analyze your business and create strategies that work best for you. Strong Reputation: Our clients trust us and have seen great results. Clients know us for our reliability and excellent service. Clear Communication: We make sure you understand every step of the process. Our consultants explain everything in clear, simple terms. Advanced Technology: We use the latest financial tools and software to provide accurate solutions. This ensures your business stays ahead of the competition. Partner with Hundred MS for your financial consulting needs. Experience the advantages of working with one of the best financial services consulting companies. A Final Note Financial services consulting companies provide invaluable support: from expert advice and customized solutions to improved efficiency and regulatory compliance. When choosing the best financial services consulting companies, consider experience, customized solutions, reputation, communication skills, and technological capabilities. Hundred MS stands out as one of the best financial services consulting companies. We offer extensive experience, personalized solutions, a strong reputation, clear communication, and advanced technology. Trust Hundred MS to help your business thrive in a competitive market. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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Virtual Accountant vs. Outsourced Accounting Services

Virtual Accountant vs. Outsourced Accounting Services

Efficient accounting is crucial for small businesses to thrive, as accurate financial records help in making better decisions and staying compliant with regulations. There are different options for managing your business finances.  Today we will discuss the options that can mostly be suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. We will talk about outsourced accounting services and virtual accounting services. Both can save time and money but work in different ways. This post explores the differences between these two options, helping you decide which is best for your business. Let’s see how virtual accountants and outsourced accounting services can benefit your small business. What is Outsourced Accounting? Outsourced accounting involves hiring an external firm to handle all your accounting needs. This includes tasks like bookkeeping, payroll, tax preparation, and financial analysis. Outsourced accounting firms employ teams of experts who manage your financial records and ensure accuracy and compliance with regulations. By using outsourced accounting services, businesses can access professional expertise without the cost and hassle of maintaining an in-house accounting team. This approach allows you to focus on core business activities while the experts handle your financial management. Benefits of Outsourced Accounting Services Here are the main benefits of Outsourced accounting services: Outsourced accounting services give you access to a team of professionals from finance and accounting outsourcing companies. These experts provide comprehensive coverage, including accounts receivable outsourcing services and outsourced accounts payable. Your business can easily scale up as it grows with outsourced accounting services. You can focus on core business activities while experts manage your finances. Outsourced accounting services ensure compliance with the latest regulations, keeping your business safe from penalties. Drawbacks of Outsourced Accounting Outsourced accounting services can be more expensive, especially for small businesses with tight budgets. You might have less control over processes and timelines when using outsourced accounting services. Over-reliance on external providers can be a risk with outsourced accounting services. Who is a Virtual Accountant? A virtual accountant is a professional who handles your accounting tasks remotely. They use cloud-based software (like NetSuite) to manage your finances. This means you can access your financial data anytime, anywhere. Virtual accounting services include bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial reporting. A virtual accountant helps you keep track of expenses, income, and ensures your records are accurate. They also provide valuable financial advice to help your business grow. With a virtual accounting firm, you get the expertise of a skilled accountant without needing to hire in-house staff. This flexibility makes it easier for small businesses to manage their finances efficiently. What is Virtual Accounting Virtual accounting services allow accountants to work remotely using cloud-based software. These services include bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial reporting. A virtual accounting firm uses technology to manage your finances efficiently. Tools like NetSuite, QuickBooks, and Xero help a virtual accountant keep your records accurate and up-to-date. You can access your financial data anytime and anywhere. This makes it easy to stay informed about your business’s financial health. Virtual accounting services provide flexibility and convenience, making them ideal for small businesses. They offer the expertise of skilled accountants without the need for in-house staff. Benefits of Virtual Accounting Let’s explore some benefits of Virtual Accounting Services: Virtual accounting services are cost-effective compared to traditional in-house accounting, saving you money on full-time staff. They offer flexibility to scale services up or down based on your business needs. You get real-time access to your financial data, helping you make informed decisions quickly. Virtual accountants provide specialized expertise tailored to specific industries, offering the best advice for your business. They use technology to automate routine tasks, improving efficiency and accuracy in your financial management. Drawbacks of Virtual Accounting Virtual accounting services can face communication challenges due to their remote nature, making it harder to discuss issues quickly. Sharing financial data online with virtual accounting services can raise security concerns, requiring strong data protection measures. Limited face-to-face interaction with a virtual accountant might be a drawback for businesses that prefer in-person meetings. Comparison: Outsourced Accounting Services vs. Virtual Accountant Cost Outsourced accounting services often have higher costs due to the comprehensive range of services provided. In contrast, virtual accounting services are more cost-effective, ideal for small businesses with tight budgets. Flexibility Virtual accounting services offer greater flexibility, allowing you to scale up or down based on your needs. Outsourced accounting services also offer scalability but may come with less immediate flexibility. Control With virtual accounting services, you have more control over your financial processes. Outsourced accounting services might mean less control, as external providers handle most tasks. Expertise Outsourced accounting services provide access to a team of experts with diverse skills. Virtual accounting services offer specialized expertise but may lack the breadth of a full team. Service Range Outsourced accounting services cover a broad range of tasks, including accounts payable outsourcing and accounts receivable outsourcing services. Virtual accounting services focus more on bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial reporting. Scenarios For businesses needing comprehensive and scalable services, outsourced accounting services are beneficial. Small businesses seeking cost-effective, flexible, and controlled accounting should consider virtual accounting services. Hundred MS: Flexibility in Accounting Solutions Hundred MS is a leading provider of accounting services, known for its flexibility and expertise. One key advantage of Hundred MS is its ability to offer both outsourced accounting services and virtual accounting services using NetSuite. This means you can choose the best option for your business needs while leveraging the power of NetSuite’s advanced features. Hundred MS tailors its services to meet the specific requirements of each business. Whether you need comprehensive outsourced accounting services or flexible virtual accounting services, Hundred MS, with NetSuite Consulting, has you covered. They work closely with you to understand your unique needs and provide the right solutions, ensuring your business’s financial health and growth. With NetSuite, Hundred MS ensures real-time access to financial data, enhanced security, and seamless integration with other business systems. Conclusion Choosing between outsourced accounting services and virtual accounting services depends on your business needs, budget, and

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NetSuite Helpdesk

NetSuite Helpdesk: A Comprehensive Customer Support Guide

NetSuite Helpdesk is a powerful tool for managing customer support efficiently. It integrates with NetSuite ERP systems to handle requests from emails, web forms, phone calls, and social media. This guide explores the benefits, features, and workflow of NetSuite Helpdesk, offering insights into how it can streamline your customer support processes and improve customer satisfaction. What is NetSuite Helpdesk? NetSuite Helpdesk is a customer support tool that helps businesses handle customer questions and issues. It streamlines the support process by converting requests from emails, web forms, phone calls, and social media into manageable tickets. The helpdesk allows for easy tracking and updating of ticket statuses and prioritizes issues based on urgency. It integrates with other NetSuite tools, providing a unified system for customer interactions. This makes the support process more efficient and helps businesses respond quickly and effectively to customer needs. Benefits of Using NetSuite Helpdesk NetSuite Helpdesk offers many advantages for businesses. It helps improve customer satisfaction, streamline support processes, and provide valuable insights. Here are the key benefits: Quick Responses: Automation ensures customers get fast replies to their issues. Clear Communication: Automated updates keep customers informed and happy. More Efficiency: Routine tasks like ticket assignment are automated, letting agents focus on solving problems. Unified System: Integration with other NetSuite tools saves time by keeping everything in one place. Performance Tracking: Reports help track how well support agents are doing. Customer Trends: Analyzing support data helps find common issues and improve services. Detailed Features of NetSuite Helpdesk NetSuite Helpdesk offers a range of features that make customer support easier and more effective. Here are the key features: 1. Ticket Management Ticket Creation: Requests from emails, web forms, phone calls, or social media become tickets. Tracking and Status Updates: Tickets have statuses like New, In Progress, Resolved, etc. Prioritization: Tickets are marked as Low, Medium, High, or Critical based on urgency. 2. Customer Communication Email Integration: Agents send and receive emails directly from the ticket interface. Automated Responses: Customers get automatic updates when a ticket is created or its status changes. 3. Knowledge Base Articles and FAQs: Agents create articles to solve common problems. Search Functionality: Customers and agents can search for solutions using keywords. 4. Case Management Case Assignment: Tickets are automatically or manually assigned to the right agents. Escalation Rules: Tickets are escalated if not resolved in time. 5. Reporting and Analytics Performance Metrics: Tracks response and resolution times, and customer satisfaction. Custom Reports: Provides dashboards and scheduled reports for better analysis. 6. Integration with Other NetSuite Modules CRM Integration: Offers a full view of customer interactions. ERP Integration: Connects with order and invoice data for better support. How Does NetSuite Helpdesk Work? Detailed Workflow of NetSuite Helpdesk NetSuite Helpdesk helps businesses manage support requests efficiently. Here’s how it works:  Receiving Requests:Channel Integration: Support requests from emails, web forms, and phone calls become tickets.Automatic Ticket Creation: Requests are automatically turned into tickets in the system. Ticket Management:Agent Interface: Support agents see all assigned tickets and their details.Update and Notes: Agents update ticket status and add notes. Problem Resolution:Knowledge Base Access: Agents search the knowledge base for solutions.Collaboration: Agents can escalate or collaborate on complex issues. Communication:Integrated Emails: Agents send emails from within the ticketing system.Customer Portal: Customers check ticket status and add comments. Closing Tickets:Resolution Details: Agents provide resolution details before closing a ticket.Customer Feedback: Customers may complete a satisfaction survey. Reporting:Dashboard Views: Managers and agents view key metrics like open tickets and resolution times.Continuous Improvement: Regular report analysis helps identify trends and improve services. Getting Started with NetSuite Helpdesk Setup: Configure the helpdesk module according to your business needs. This includes setting up ticket categories, priorities, and escalation rules. Training: Ensure your support team is trained on how to use the system effectively. Knowledge Base: Build a comprehensive knowledge base with articles and FAQs to assist both customers and support agents. Monitor and Improve: Regularly review performance reports to identify areas for improvement and ensure continuous enhancement of the support process. By using NetSuite Helpdesk, businesses can provide better customer service, streamline support processes, and gain valuable insights into their customer interactions. How Hundred MS Can Help? Hundred MS offers comprehensive NetSuite training and consulting services, including for the NetSuite Helpdesk module. We customize training programs to meet your team’s specific needs, ensuring they can effectively use NetSuite Helpdesk to streamline support operations. Our expert trainers use real-world scenarios to provide practical knowledge, making sure your team can apply what they learn immediately. Additionally, Hundred MS offers continuous support and resources post-training to help your team stay ahead with the latest NetSuite Helpdesk features and best practices. For more details on our NetSuite training and consulting services, visit Hundred MS NetSuite Training. Conclusion NetSuite Helpdesk simplifies customer support by converting requests into manageable tickets and integrating with other NetSuite modules. This enhances efficiency and customer satisfaction. By partnering with Hundred MS for NetSuite Consulting and NetSuite Training, businesses can ensure their teams are well-trained and supported. Our customized training programs and ongoing support help teams maximize the benefits of NetSuite Helpdesk, leading to streamlined operations and improved customer interactions. Nare Khachatryan Business Analyst at Hundred MS

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NetSuite Account Reconciliation

Guide to NetSuite Account Reconciliation

Account reconciliation is crucial for accurate financial management. It ensures that financial records match up and are correct. Without proper reconciliation, errors can go unnoticed, leading to financial misstatements and compliance issues. NetSuite ERP simplifies this process. NetSuite account reconciliation automates and streamlines these tasks, saving time and reducing errors. What Is Account Reconciliation? Account reconciliation ensures that financial records are accurate. It compares internal records with external documents to find discrepancies. This process is vital for maintaining financial accuracy and trust. Reconciling accounts is crucial to confirm that financial statements are correct. Errors can lead to serious issues, including financial losses and compliance problems. Accurate account reconciliation helps prevent these problems and keeps financial data reliable. Manual account reconciliation often faces challenges. It can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Visibility is another issue; tracking changes and updates manually is hard. Reconciliation software solves these problems by automating tasks and improving accuracy. This software makes account reconciliation faster and more reliable. NetSuite Account Reconciliation Software  NetSuite is a leading ERP solution, trusted by many businesses for its comprehensive and reliable features. It simplifies complex business processes, making operations more efficient. The NetSuite account reconciliation module is designed to make reconciliation easier and faster. This specific NetSuite module automates reconciliation tasks, reducing the risk of errors. Centralized management allows users to handle all reconciliation processes in one place. With the NetSuite account reconciliation module, you get real-time visibility into your financial data. This means you can see up-to-date information and make informed decisions quickly. Enhanced internal controls ensure that all financial data is accurate and secure. NetSuite ERP combines these features to provide a robust and efficient solution for businesses. Using NetSuite account reconciliation, businesses can streamline their financial processes and improve accuracy. NetSuite Account Reconciliation Process NetSuite account reconciliation software automates the reconciliation process, making it faster and more accurate. The software matches transactions from various sources like bank accounts, credit cards, and intercompany transactions automatically. This reduces the risk of errors and saves time. The software also uses advanced reconciliation tools to compare and match transactions. This ensures all financial data is consistent and accurate. NetSuite captures evidence of signoffs and sends email notifications. This workflow keeps the reconciliation process transparent and accountable. NetSuite also provides real-time visibility into the reconciliation status of each account. You can see up-to-date information and quickly identify accounts that need attention. How to Set Up Account Reconciliation in NetSuite Setting up the account reconciliation module in NetSuite is straightforward. Follow these steps to get started: Install the Module: Begin by installing the account reconciliation module from the available NetSuite modules. This adds powerful reconciliation software to your system. Customize the Module: Tailor the module to meet your specific business needs. You can adjust settings and templates to fit your reconciliation requirements. Import Transactions: Import transactions into NetSuite for reconciliation. This includes data from bank accounts, credit cards, and other sources. Set Up Matching Rules: Create flexible matching rules for different types of transactions. This helps the reconciliation software accurately match and compare data. Configure Approval Workflow: Set up the approval workflow to capture signoffs and send email notifications. This ensures that every step of the process is tracked and approved. Using these NetSuite modules and reconciliation software, businesses can streamline their account reconciliation process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in financial management. Benefits of Using NetSuite ERP for Account Reconciliation Using NetSuite ERP systems for account reconciliation offers many benefits: Improved Accuracy: NetSuite ERP reduces errors by automating reconciliation tasks. This ensures your financial records are always correct. Time Savings: Automation speeds up the reconciliation process, freeing up your team to focus on more important tasks. Real-Time Visibility: NetSuite accounting provides real-time dashboards and reports. You can easily monitor the status of all accounts. Enhanced Compliance: NetSuite consulting services help you meet regulatory requirements with secure documentation and audit trails. Increased Efficiency: NetSuite ERP streamlines workflows and simplifies complex reconciliation processes, making your financial operations more efficient. Scalability: As your business grows, NetSuite ERP scales with you, handling increasing transaction volumes without compromising performance. NetSuite consulting services ensure you get the most out of these powerful tools. Conclusion NetSuite account reconciliation is essential for accurate financial management. It automates and simplifies the reconciliation process, reducing errors and saving time. Using NetSuite ERP, businesses gain real-time visibility and enhanced compliance. The benefits of NetSuite account reconciliation are clear. It improves accuracy, increases efficiency, and provides valuable insights. Businesses can trust this account reconciliation software to handle their financial data securely and efficiently. Consider NetSuite ERP implementation for your reconciliation needs. It offers powerful tools and support to streamline your financial processes. NetSuite account reconciliation is a smart investment for any business seeking better financial management. FAQ for NetSuite Account Reconciliation What is the account reconciliation process? Account reconciliation involves comparing financial records from different sources to ensure they match and are accurate, identifying and correcting discrepancies to maintain accurate financial records. What is ERP reconciliation? ERP reconciliation ensures financial data within an ERP system is accurate and consistent by comparing data across different modules and external sources to confirm all transactions are properly recorded and balanced. How is NetSuite used in accounting? NetSuite automates and streamlines accounting processes like general ledger, accounts payable, and receivable, offering real-time financial data, automated workflows, and robust reporting tools to improve accuracy, efficiency, and compliance. How do I check my account reconciliation? In NetSuite, use the account reconciliation module’s real-time dashboards and reports to view the status of each reconciliation, balance comparisons, and detailed transaction information to investigate discrepancies. How to do a reconciliation? Gather necessary documents, compare general ledger accounts against external documents, identify and resolve discrepancies, make necessary adjustments, and review and approve the reconciliation. How to prepare a reconciliation account? Identify the accounts to reconcile, gather supporting documentation, match transactions in the general ledger with those in the documents, resolve discrepancies, adjust records as needed, and document and approve the reconciliation process. How to

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Top Reasons to Hire a NetSuite Accountant for Your Business

In today’s  business environment, having a strong accounting system is essential for success. Many businesses are turning to NetSuite, a leading cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, to simplify their financial operations. However, to truly unlock the potential of NetSuite, it’s important to have a skilled NetSuite Accountant on your team. What is a NetSuite Accountant? A NetSuite Accountant is a financial professional with expertise in NetSuite ERP and NetSuite accounting software. They understand the intricacies of the platform and can customize it to fit your specific business needs. Their role is to manage and optimize your financial processes using NetSuite, ensuring that your business runs smoothly and efficiently. NetSuite Accountants are crucial for businesses that rely on NetSuite for their financial management and operations. Top Qualities of NetSuite Accountants When looking for a NetSuite Accountant, there are several key qualities to consider: In-Depth Knowledge of NetSuite ERP A top-quality NetSuite Accountant has extensive experience with NetSuite ERP. They understand how to use the platform’s features to streamline financial processes and improve efficiency. Strong Analytical Skills A great NetSuite Accountant possesses strong analytical skills. They can interpret financial data accurately and provide valuable insights that help in making informed business decisions. Attention to Detail Accuracy is paramount in financial management. A proficient NetSuite Accountant pays close attention to detail, ensuring that all financial data is accurate and reliable. Excellent Communication Skills A top NetSuite Accountant can explain complex financial concepts in simple terms. This is essential for effective communication with other team members and stakeholders. Problem-Solving Abilities Financial management often involves addressing unexpected issues. A good NetSuite Accountant has strong problem-solving abilities and can quickly find solutions to any financial challenges that arise. Top 8 Reasons to Hire a NetSuite Accountant Here are the top 8 reasons why hiring NetSuite Accountants can benefit your business: 1. Proficiency in NetSuite Platform NetSuite Accountants bring in-depth knowledge of the NetSuite platform. They ensure you leverage its comprehensive features to the fullest. They are adept at navigating the system, customizing it to suit your business needs, and optimizing your financial processes for maximum efficiency. 2. Optimized Financial Workflows With a NetSuite Accountant, your financial workflows become streamlined and automated. They minimize manual data entry and errors, leading to more efficient and accurate financial operations. This automation allows your team to concentrate on strategic initiatives rather than routine administrative tasks. 3. Instant Financial Insights Accurate, real-time financial data is crucial for informed decision-making. NetSuite Accountants ensure that your financial information is up-to-date and easily accessible. They help configure dashboards and reports that provide instant insights into your financial health, enabling quicker and better-informed decisions. 4. Tailored Reporting and Analytics NetSuite Accountants specialize in creating customized reports and analytics that meet your specific business requirements. Whether it’s detailed profit and loss statements, cash flow analysis, or budget tracking, they provide you with the precise information you need to understand and manage your financial performance. 5. Adaptable and Scalable Solutions As your business grows, your financial systems need to adapt. NetSuite Accountants ensure that your NetSuite ERP implementation scales seamlessly with your business. They provide the flexibility needed to adjust processes and systems to accommodate new business requirements, ensuring that your financial operations remain robust and efficient. 6. Regulatory Compliance and Data Security Maintaining compliance with financial regulations is critical. NetSuite Accountants are well-versed in the latest regulatory requirements and industry standards. They configure your NetSuite system to ensure compliance and implement strong security measures to protect your financial data. 7. Cost-Efficient Financial Management By optimizing financial processes and reducing errors, NetSuite Accountants can lead to significant cost savings. Their expertise ensures efficient use of the NetSuite platform, potentially reducing the need for additional software or services and minimizing costly mistakes. 8. Ongoing Support and Training NetSuite Accountants provide ongoing support and training to your team, ensuring they are proficient in using the system. This continuous guidance helps your staff become more self-sufficient, reducing dependency on external consultants and empowering your team to manage the platform effectively. NetSuite Accounting Services of HundredMS At HundredMS, we offer comprehensive NetSuite accounting services tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Our team of expert NetSuite Accountants ensures that your financial operations are optimized for efficiency and accuracy. Here’s what you can expect from our services: Customized NetSuite Implementation We help you implement NetSuite in a way that aligns with your business processes. Our NetSuite Accountants customize the system to fit your specific needs, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal performance. Ongoing Support and Maintenance Our team provides continuous support to ensure your NetSuite system runs smoothly. We offer NetSuite Consulting services to keep your system updated and functioning efficiently. Financial Reporting and Analytics We design and implement custom reports that give you real-time insights into your financial performance. Our NetSuite Accountants ensure you have the data you need to make informed decisions. Training and Development We provide NetSuite training to your team, ensuring they are proficient in using NetSuite accounting software. Our NetSuite Consultants work closely with your staff, empowering them to manage the platform effectively and independently. Scalability and Flexibility Our NetSuite accounting services are designed to grow with your business. We ensure that your NetSuite ERP system remains adaptable and scalable, meeting your evolving business needs. Compliance and Security HundredMS ensures that your NetSuite system complies with all relevant financial regulations. We implement robust security measures to protect your sensitive financial data. The Impact of NetSuite Accountants on Business Growth Hiring a NetSuite Accountant can significantly impact your business growth. They bring a deep understanding of financial management and NetSuite accounting software, allowing you to focus on strategic growth initiatives. Their expertise helps you avoid common financial pitfalls, streamline operations, and ensure your financial data is always accurate and up-to-date. Why Choose HundredMS for NetSuite Accounting? Choosing the Right Partner is very important for your business’s success. HundredMS stands out because of our dedicated focus on NetSuite accounting services. Our team is not only skilled in financial management but

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Learn How To Get NetSuite Demo Account

How to Get NetSuite Demo Account? Beginner’s Guide

Considering a robust ERP solution to streamline your business operations? A NetSuite Demo Account lets you explore NetSuite’s powerful features, user-friendly interface, and customization options in a simulated environment. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to get a NetSuite demo account, explain its purposes, and demonstrate how to use it effectively. Why Use NetSuite? NetSuite is a highly regarded cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that offers a comprehensive suite of applications to manage various aspects of a business. Here are some compelling reasons to use NetSuite: Comprehensive ERP Solution: Integrated Suite ERP: Manages financials, inventory, orders, and procurement. CRM: Handles customer relationship management. eCommerce: Provides eCommerce capabilities for online businesses. PSA: Offers professional services automation for project-based businesses. HCM: Includes human capital management for HR and payroll. Cloud-Based Platform: Accessibility Anytime, Anywhere: Access NetSuite from any location with an internet connection, using any device. No On-Premises Infrastructure: Reduce IT costs and complexity by eliminating the need for on-premises hardware and software. Scalability: Growth Support Flexible: Easily scale your business operations as your company grows, without the need for significant system overhauls. Global Business Management: Supports multiple currencies, languages, and subsidiaries, making it ideal for global businesses. Real-Time Data and Reporting: Up-to-Date Information Real-Time Dashboards: Get real-time insights into key business metrics and performance indicators. Advanced Reporting: Generate detailed reports to analyze data and make informed decisions. Customization and Flexibility: Tailored Solutions Custom Fields and Forms: Adapt the system to fit your specific business processes. Workflows and Scripts: Automate tasks and processes to improve efficiency. Strong Financial Management: Robust Financial Tools General Ledger: Comprehensive general ledger capabilities with multi-dimensional reporting. Accounts Payable and Receivable: Efficiently manage payables and receivables. Financial Planning: Advanced budgeting, forecasting, and planning tools. Improved Operational Efficiency: Streamlined Processes Automation: Automate routine tasks and processes to save time and reduce errors. Process Integration: Seamlessly integrate various business processes to improve efficiency and coordination. Enhanced Visibility and Control 360-Degree View: Gain a complete view of your business operations, customers, and financials. Role-Based Access: Ensure data security and compliance with role-based access controls. Excellent Customer Support and Resources: Support Network Customer Support: Access to NetSuite’s customer support and extensive knowledge base. Partner Ecosystem: Benefit from a wide network of NetSuite partners and consultants. Continuous Updates and Innovation: Staying Current Regular Updates: Benefit from continuous improvements and new features without the need for manual upgrades. Innovation: NetSuite regularly introduces new functionalities to keep pace with evolving business needs. Cost-Effective Lower IT Costs: Reduced need for on-premises IT infrastructure and maintenance. Subscription-Based Pricing: Pay for only what you use with a subscription-based pricing model. What is a NetSuite Demo Account? A NetSuite Demo Account is a trial account provided by Oracle NetSuite to potential customers. It allows you to explore and experience the features and functionalities of the NetSuite ERP system in a simulated environment. Here’s what you can do with a NetSuite demo account: Evaluate Features and Capabilities Explore Modules: Assess various modules such as financial management, inventory management, CRM, and eCommerce. Understand Functionality: See how different features work together to streamline your business operations. Understand User Experience Interface Familiarization: Get acquainted with the user interface and navigation. Customization: Learn how to customize dashboards, forms, and workflows to fit your specific business needs. Test Business Scenarios Simulate Processes: Test real business scenarios like order processing, financial reporting, and inventory management. Role-Based Access: Experience how different user roles interact with the system and access information. Assess Integration Capabilities API and Connectors: Explore integration options with other software and tools you use. Third-Party Integrations: Understand how NetSuite can integrate with existing systems in your business. By using a NetSuite demo account, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how the NetSuite ERP system can enhance your business processes, improve efficiency, and provide valuable insights. How Can I Use a NetSuite Demo Account? Navigation and Interface Exploration: Dashboard Customization: Modify dashboards to display key performance indicators (KPIs), reminders, and other important data. Explore Menus: Navigate through various menus to understand the structure and available options. Testing Business Processes: Financial Management: Create invoices, record payments, manage expenses, and generate financial reports. Inventory Management: Track inventory levels, manage stock movements, and perform inventory audits. Order Management: Create sales orders, process orders, and manage order fulfillment. Customizing the System: Create Custom Fields: Add custom fields to records to capture additional information specific to your business. Workflows and Scripts: Implement workflows and scripts to automate business processes. Generating Reports and Analytics: Standard Reports: Run standard financial and operational reports. Custom Reports: Design and generate custom reports based on specific criteria and KPIs. Role-Based Testing: Assign Roles: Assign different roles to users to see how role-based access controls work. Test Permissions: Verify what data and functions are accessible by users with different roles. Integrations: Test API Calls: Use the API to integrate with other systems and automate data exchange. Connectors: Use pre-built connectors to link NetSuite with common applications like Salesforce, Shopify, or others. How To Get NetSuite Demo Account? To get a NetSuite demo account, follow these detailed steps: Step 1: Visit the NetSuite Website Open your web browser: Use any modern web browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. Go to the NetSuite website: Enter the URL in the address bar and press Enter. Step 2: Navigate to the Demo Request Page Access the Demo Request: Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage or look for a “Request a Demo” button/link. This is usually located in prominent places on the website, such as the top menu bar, a call-to-action section on the homepage, or the footer. Click on “Request a Demo”: This will direct you to a page specifically for demo requests. Step 3: Fill Out the Demo Request Form Enter Your Information: You will see a form asking for your details. Fill in the required fields such as: First Name: Your given name. Last Name: Your surname. Email Address: Your business email address. Phone Number: Your contact number.

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What Is A Financial Statement And How To Use It For Business Success?

The financial statements of a company are vital for understanding its financial health. These documents provide a clear picture of the company’s assets, liabilities, income, and cash flows. Understanding what is a financial statement is crucial for business owners, managers, and investors. In this article, we will explore the key components and the importance of financial statements, and how they aid in Business Process Optimization and Financial Reporting and Analysis. What is a financial statement? Understanding financial statements (or financial reports) is essential for anyone engaged in business. These documents record a company’s financial activities and position. Financial statements analysis helps assess a company’s performance and future potential. The financial statements meaning encompasses four main documents: the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, and cash flow statement. Each provides essential insights into different aspects of the company’s finances. By understanding financial statements, you can make better business decisions and evaluate financial health accurately, enhancing Financial Transaction Management. Types of financial statements To grasp a company’s financial health, you need to understand the elements of financial statements. There are four main components of financial statements, each serving a unique purpose. Balance Sheet: This document details a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity as of a particular date, providing a snapshot of its financial standing. It’s a snapshot of financial position. Income Statement: This reports on income, expenses, and profits over a period. It highlights the company’s profitability. Statement of Changes in Equity: This document details changes in the company’s equity during a specific period. It includes retained earnings and shareholder contributions. Cash Flow Statement: This tracks cash inflows and outflows from operating, investing, and financing activities. It provides insight into cash flow management. Understanding these components of financial statements helps you evaluate the company’s financial status effectively and spot Financial Trends. Why are financial statements important? After understanding what is a financial statement, let’s explore its importance. The importance of financial statements lies in their ability to provide a clear financial picture. Business owners use these documents to make informed decisions. Investors assess the importance of financial statements to evaluate potential investments. Lenders consider the importance of financial statements when approving loans. Employees may look at these statements to understand company stability. Overall, the importance of financial statements cannot be overstated, as they guide crucial business and financial decisions, supporting Business Process Optimization. Financial statements examples To grasp the purpose of financial statements, examining specific financial statements examples is helpful. These examples illustrate how financial data is organized and presented. Balance Sheet Example: Imagine a balance sheet listing a company’s assets like cash, inventory, and property, alongside liabilities such as loans and accounts payable, and the owners’ equity. This document provides a snapshot of the company’s financial health at a particular moment. Income Statement Example: Consider an income statement detailing a company’s revenue from sales, subtracting expenses like salaries and rent, to reveal the net profit or loss over a month. This statement shows how well the company is performing financially over time. Statement of Changes in Equity Example: Picture a statement showing how equity changes over a year, including new investments by owners and retained earnings. This statement helps us understand the shifts in company ownership and retained profits. Cash Flow Statement Example: Think of a cash flow statement tracking all cash received from sales and investments and all cash spent on operations and new equipment. This document reveals how cash is generated and used within the business. These financial statements examples help illustrate the purpose for financial statements by demonstrating how they provide valuable insights into a company’s financial activities and position. FAQs: What is a financial statement? 1. What are all 4 financial statements? The four financial statements are the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, and cash flow statement. Each provides a different perspective on a company’s financial health. 2. How are financial statements connected to each other? Financial statements are interconnected. The income statement affects the equity statement through retained earnings, which impacts the balance sheet. The cash flow statement reflects changes in the balance sheet accounts. 3. What’s the difference between a cash flow statement and an income statement? The income statement shows revenues and expenses over a period, indicating profit or loss. The cash flow statement details cash inflows and outflows, highlighting liquidity and cash management. 4. Why do shareholders need financial statements? Shareholders need financial statements to evaluate the company’s financial health, assess management performance, and make informed investment decisions. 5. What are the benefits of financial statements? Financial statements provide insights into financial performance, help attract investors, secure loans, ensure regulatory compliance, and guide business decisions. 6. How do you read financial statements? To read financial statements, start with the balance sheet for a snapshot of financial position, review the income statement for profitability, and check the cash flow statement for liquidity and cash management. 7. What is GAAP? GAAP, or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, consists of accounting standards and guidelines used in the U.S. to maintain transparency and consistency in financial reporting. 8. How are the different financial statements connected? The financial statements are connected through financial data. The income statement impacts the equity statement, which in turn affects the balance sheet. The cash flow statement reflects these changes. 9. Who prepares an annual financial statement? Annual financial statements are typically prepared by a company’s accounting or finance department, often with the assistance of external auditors for accuracy and compliance. 10. What is the most important financial statement? The importance of each financial statement depends on the user’s needs, but many consider the income statement crucial for assessing profitability. 11. What are the types of financial statements? The types of financial statements include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, and cash flow statement. 12. How do I use financial statements to grow my business? Use financial statements to identify trends, manage cash flow, control costs, and make informed investment decisions to drive

What Is A Financial Statement And How To Use It For Business Success? Read More »


A Complete Guide to NetSuite Certification

NetSuite Certification is crucial for career growth and  Enterprise Resource Planning solutions expertise. This certification validates your skills and knowledge, making you more competitive in the job market. This guide will explore the various aspects of NetSuite Certification and its benefits. Whether you are new to NetSuite or looking to advance your career, this guide is for you. What is NetSuite Certification? NetSuite Certification validates your expertise in using NetSuite ERP. It is a recognized credential in the industry. Obtaining a NetSuite Certification demonstrates your proficiency in managing NetSuite’s modules. The certification is essential for professionals working with NetSuite ERP systems. Employers value NetSuite certifications because they ensure a high level of competency. The primary purpose of NetSuite Certification is to verify your skills and knowledge. Certified individuals can efficiently implement and optimize NetSuite ERP solutions. This certification also enhances your credibility among peers and employers. By earning a NetSuite ERP certification, you stay ahead in the competitive job market. Benefits of Getting NetSuite Certified Career Advancement: A NetSuite certification opens up new job opportunities and promotions. Employers prefer candidates with NetSuite certifications for key ERP roles. Enhanced Skills: Earning a NetSuite ERP certification improves your skills and knowledge. You learn to manage and optimize NetSuite ERP systems effectively. Credibility: A NetSuite certification enhances your professional credibility. It shows your commitment to maintaining high standards in your field. Increased Earning Potential: With a NetSuite certification, you can command higher salaries. Certified professionals are often paid more due to their verified expertise. NetSuite Certification Programs NetSuite Certification programs are divided into two main categories: administrator and user. Each program addresses unique professional requirements. NetSuite Administrator Certifications Administrator certifications are for professionals who need detailed knowledge of NetSuite ERP. These are ideal for managers, developers, and consultants. The administrator certifications include several exams: NetSuite Certified Suite-Foundation: Validates fundamental knowledge of NetSuite’s core functionalities. Ideal for professionals starting with NetSuite, covering the basics of the platform. NetSuite Certified Administrator: Focuses on managing and configuring NetSuite environments. Perfect for those responsible for the day-to-day operations and maintenance of NetSuite systems. NetSuite Certified ERP Consultant: Specializes in implementing and optimizing NetSuite ERP solutions. Best for consultants who design and deploy customized NetSuite ERP solutions for businesses. NetSuite Certified Suite-Cloud Developer: For advanced Suite-Cloud platform developers. Suitable for developers creating and managing custom applications within the NetSuite environment. NetSuite Certified Suite-Commerce Developer: Targets developers building Suite-Commerce applications. Ideal for professionals developing eCommerce solutions using NetSuite’s Suite-Commerce platform. NetSuite User Certifications User certifications are designed for accounting and finance professionals using Suite-Analytics. These certifications focus on specific NetSuite functions. The user certifications include: NetSuite Certified Suite-Analytics User: For users proficient in Suite-Analytics. Perfect for professionals who analyze data and generate reports using NetSuite’s Suite-Analytics tools. NetSuite Certified Financial User: For professionals managing NetSuite financial operations. Ideal for finance professionals handling tasks like budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting within NetSuite. Each certification helps you gain specialized skills and knowledge. Earning a NetSuite ERP certification enhances your career prospects and professional credibility. How Hard is NetSuite Certification? The NetSuite certification exams can be challenging. They require a strong understanding of NetSuite’s functionalities and best practices. Each exam tests your ability to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios. Whether it’s the NetSuite ERP certification or the NetSuite administrator certification, thorough preparation is key. Tips for Success To pass your NetSuite certifications, follow these tips: Understand the Exam Format: Familiarize yourself with the structure and types of questions. Focus on Key Topics: Concentrate on the core areas relevant to your certification. Practice Regularly: Use practice exams to identify areas needing improvement. Join Study Groups: Collaborate with others preparing for the same exam to share insights. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of earning a NetSuite ERP certification or NetSuite administrator certification. Steps to Achieve NetSuite Certification Choose Your Certification PathSelect the NetSuite certification that aligns with your career goals. Whether you need an administrator or user certification, choose wisely based on your role and aspirations. Prepare for the ExamUse study guides and NetSuite training programs to prepare for your certification. Practical experience with NetSuite is crucial for understanding real-world applications. Utilize online resources and forums for additional study support. For more insights, read our blog post “Is NetSuite hard to learn?” where we explore all the nuances of NetSuite learning. Register for the ExamSign up for your chosen NetSuite certification online. Follow the registration instructions on the NetSuite certification website. Make sure you fulfill all the prerequisites before registering. Take the ExamOn exam day, ensure you meet the technical requirements. Arrive early and stay calm throughout the process. Carefully read each question and manage your time effectively. By following these steps, you can achieve your NetSuite certifications and advance your career. Earning a NetSuite certification online demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and expertise. How Much Does NetSuite Certification Cost? NetSuite certification exams come with specific fees. Administrator certification exams cost $250 to register and $150 to retake. User certification exams have a $150 registration fee and a $150 retake fee. Beyond exam fees, additional costs may include study materials, training programs, and recertification. Investing in quality resources can improve your chances of passing the exam. Cost vs. BenefitThe investment in NetSuite certification is worthwhile. The certification boosts your career prospects and earning potential. The return on investment is high, as NetSuite certifications enhance your professional credibility and skills. By obtaining a NetSuite certification, you gain a competitive edge in the job market. The benefits far outweigh the costs, making it a smart career move. FAQs on NetSuite Certification 1.What is the NetSuite Certification?  NetSuite Certification validates your expertise in using and managing NetSuite ERP systems. It demonstrates your skills and knowledge in implementing and optimizing NetSuite solutions. 2.How long is NetSuite training?  NetSuite training duration varies based on the certification. Typically, it involves several weeks of study and hands-on practice to cover all necessary topics thoroughly. 3.Is NetSuite certification free?  No, NetSuite certification is not free. There are

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The Future of Financial Services and Financial Trends

The Future of Financial Services: Top Financial Trends to Watch

The financial services industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and evolving regulatory landscapes. To stay ahead, businesses must keep abreast of the latest trends shaping the future of financial services. Here, we explore the most actual financial trends that are set to redefine the industry. Defining Financial Services: What are financial services? Financial services encompass the economic activities provided by the finance sector, including a wide array of companies involved in money management. These services include banking, investment, insurance, and accounting. Financial services help individuals and businesses manage their finances, facilitate transactions, and invest in various financial instruments. Understanding Fintech: What is Fintech? Fintech, short for financial technology, involves the use of technology to enhance and streamline the delivery of services by financial companies to their customers. Fintech encompasses a variety of applications, such as mobile banking, peer-to-peer lending, cryptocurrency exchanges, and automated investment services. The Future of Financial Services and Financial Trends The future of financial services is being shaped by a convergence of technological advancements, changing consumer expectations, and evolving regulatory landscapes. Businesses must adapt to these changes to stay competitive and innovative. Business Process Optimization through AI plays a huge role in these changes. The financial trends we see today are not just incremental changes but are redefining the financial services industry. Here are the main trends that, in our opinion, will have the most significant impact on the future of finance. 1. Digital Transformation and Fintech Innovations Digital transformation continues to be a major force in the financial services industry. Fintech innovations are revolutionizing how businesses and consumers interact with financial institutions. From mobile banking apps to digital wallets and blockchain technology, the landscape is becoming increasingly digital and decentralized. Financial institutions are leveraging these technologies to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and reduce costs. 2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning AI and machine learning are transforming financial services by enabling smarter decision-making, automating routine tasks, and enhancing fraud detection capabilities. These technologies are being used to analyze vast amounts of data to provide personalized financial advice, predict market trends, improve Financial Reporting and Analysis, and streamline Financial Transactions. Automated Accounting Systems are increasingly common, utilizing AI for Advanced Reporting Features that enhance accuracy and efficiency. As AI and machine learning continue to evolve, their impact on financial services will only grow. 3. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are reshaping the financial sector by providing more secure, transparent, and efficient ways to conduct transactions. Blockchain’s decentralized nature eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing transaction costs and increasing security. Cryptocurrencies, while still volatile, are gaining acceptance as legitimate forms of payment and investment, prompting financial institutions to explore their potential further. 4. Regulatory Changes and Compliance The regulatory environment for financial services is constantly evolving, with new regulations being introduced to address emerging risks and challenges. Financial institutions must stay compliant with these regulations while ensuring they do not stifle innovation. Regulatory technology (RegTech) solutions are helping businesses manage compliance more effectively by automating regulatory processes and providing real-time monitoring. 5. Customer-Centric Services Today’s consumers expect personalized and seamless experiences from their financial service providers. Financial institutions are investing in customer-centric services that leverage data analytics to understand customer needs better and deliver tailored solutions. This trend is driving the development of innovative products and services that cater to the unique preferences of individual customers. 6. Sustainable Finance and ESG Investing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are becoming increasingly important in investment decisions. Sustainable finance is gaining traction as investors and consumers demand more socially responsible and environmentally friendly financial products. Financial institutions are incorporating ESG factors into their investment strategies, offering green bonds, and supporting sustainable projects to meet this growing demand. 7. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy As digital transformation accelerates, so do the risks associated with cybersecurity and data privacy. Financial institutions are investing heavily in advanced cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data and maintain customer trust. Regulatory requirements around data privacy, such as GDPR and CCPA, are also shaping how financial services handle and protect customer information. 8. The Rise of Embedded Finance Embedded finance involves incorporating financial services into platforms and applications that are not primarily financial in nature. This trend allows companies to offer financial products and services, such as lending, payments, and insurance, directly within their ecosystems. Embedded finance is enabling more seamless and convenient customer experiences, driving growth in various industries beyond traditional finance. 9. Cashless Transactions: New Payment Methods The move towards a cashless society is accelerating with the advent of new payment methods. Digital wallets, contactless payments, and peer-to-peer payment platforms are becoming increasingly popular. The COVID-19 pandemic has further spurred the adoption of cashless transactions as consumers and businesses seek safer, more hygienic ways to exchange money. Financial institutions are adapting to this trend by developing and integrating new payment technologies to meet the demand for faster, more secure, and convenient payment options. FAQs on Financial Trends 1. What is the future of financial services? The future of financial services lies in digital transformation, AI, blockchain, and customer-centric services. Financial institutions must adopt new technologies and focus on sustainability to stay competitive. 2. What is the future of fintech? The future of fintech involves integrating AI, blockchain, and embedded finance. Fintech will continue to disrupt traditional financial services by offering more innovative and efficient solutions. 3. How is fintech changing financial services? Fintech is changing financial services by providing digital solutions for payments, lending, investing, and banking. It enhances customer experiences and reduces costs for financial institutions. 4. What are the finance trends? Finance trends include digital transformation, AI, blockchain, ESG investing, and cybersecurity. These trends are shaping the future of the financial services industry. 5. What is the future of AI in finance? The future of AI in finance involves enhanced fraud detection, personalized financial advice, and improved risk management. AI will continue to play a crucial role in financial services. 6. What is the future of

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A Comprehensive Guide to Financial Transaction Management

In today’s dynamic business environment, mastering each financial transaction is pivotal for ensuring the accuracy, compliance, and health of any enterprise. This comprehensive guide delves deep into the fundamentals of financial transactions, exploring their various types, the roles they play in accounting, and the benefits of managing them effectively through advanced systems like NetSuite ERP. What is a Financial Transaction? Financial Transactions Meaning A financial transaction is any event involving monetary exchange between two or more parties that alters the financial position of those parties. This includes the exchange of goods, services, or funds that are quantifiable in monetary terms and recognized as such in the financial records of an entity. Types of Financial Transactions Financial transactions are varied and each type plays a crucial role in the financial management of a business. Below, we explore different types of financial transactions that businesses typically encounter: Cash Transactions Cash transactions involve the direct exchange of cash between parties, with no delay in payment. These are recorded the moment the cash changes hands. Examples include cash sales at retail stores or payments made in cash to service providers. These transactions are immediate and have a direct impact on the business’s cash flow. External Transactions External transactions occur between the business and external entities, including customers, suppliers, banks, or the government. These transactions are critical as they often affect both the income statement and the balance sheet. Examples include sales to customers, purchases from suppliers, tax payments, and loan receipts. Bill Payments Bill payments are transactions where the business settles its dues for services received or goods purchased on credit. This often includes utility bills, supplier invoices, and credit card payments. Efficient management of bill payments ensures favorable credit terms and can enhance a company’s credit rating. Credit Transactions Credit transactions occur when payment is deferred to a future date. These include purchasing goods on credit from a supplier or selling products to customers on credit terms. The recordkeeping for these transactions must be meticulous to ensure all credits are settled according to their terms and to maintain healthy cash flows. Deposit Transactions Deposit transactions involve putting money into a financial account. For a business, this could include depositing daily sales receipts or a lump sum into a business bank account. These transactions are important for managing liquidity and ensuring funds are secure and available for future use. Purchase Orders Purchase orders are formal requests issued by a business to purchase goods or services. While a purchase order itself is not a financial transaction, it becomes one once the order is filled and the payment is processed. They are crucial for inventory management and budgeting in supply chain operations. Balance Inquiry A balance inquiry isn’t a transaction that affects financial statements but is a query to check the available balance in an account. For businesses, regular balance inquiries are vital to ensure adequate funds are available for operational needs and to prevent overdrafts and associated fees. Business Transactions Business transactions encompass all transactions that a business engages in to conduct its operations. This broad category includes everything from buying office supplies to selling major assets. Each transaction directly affects the financial statements and requires proper documentation and categorization. Paying off Borrowed Funds This type of transaction involves the repayment of principal and interest on borrowed funds. These transactions are crucial for managing the business’s debt levels and can impact credit scores and future borrowing capacity. Effective management of these payments is essential for maintaining financial stability and reducing financial costs. Financial Transactions in Accounting Accounting systems record financial transactions based on two primary methodologies: accrual and cash accounting. The choice of method can significantly influence the financial reporting and decision-making processes of a business. Transactions Using Accrual Accounting In accrual accounting, transactions are recorded when they occur, regardless of when the cash flow happens. This approach gives a more accurate picture of a company’s financial status at any point in time. Examples of Accrual Accounting Revenue Recognition: A service company records revenue when it finishes a job, not when it gets paid. Expense Matching: A manufacturer records the cost of raw materials when they are used in production, not when they are purchased. Transactions Using Cash Accounting Cash accounting, simpler than its accrual counterpart, records transactions only when cash is actually exchanged. This method is often preferred by smaller businesses for its straightforwardness. Examples of Cash Accounting Direct Income and Expense Recording: A freelance graphic designer records income when clients pay, not when the services are rendered. Immediate Expense Recognition: Rent is recorded in the month it is paid, not necessarily the month for which it is paid. Accrual Accounting vs. Cash Accounting Transactions While accrual accounting provides a more comprehensive view of a company’s financial condition, cash accounting offers simplicity and immediate clarity of cash flows. Businesses need to evaluate their scale, regulatory requirements, and managerial needs when choosing an accounting method. Financial Transaction Management Definition Financial transaction management refers to the systematic process of handling all monetary transactions to ensure accuracy, completeness, and timeliness in the financial records. Effective management is foundational for sound financial reporting and control. Leveraging NetSuite ERP for Financial Transaction Management: Hundred MS Approach At Hundred MS, we champion the use of NetSuite to transform and streamline financial transaction management. Our integrated approach combines technology with expert insights to ensure your financial operations are both efficient and compliant. Comprehensive Implementation: From planning to execution, our NetSuite implementation encompasses all business aspects, ensuring a tailored fit to your organizational needs. Detailed NetSuite Accounting: Automate your financial processes to minimize errors, enhance reporting capabilities, and improve overall financial clarity. Expert NetSuite Consultants: Our seasoned consultants provide ongoing support and strategic advice, adapting your NetSuite environment to evolving business demands. Targeted NetSuite Training: Through detailed training sessions, your team will master NetSuite functionalities, empowering them to leverage the full range of ERP capabilities. FAQ: Financial Transactions How Do I Cancel a Pending Transaction? To cancel a pending transaction, contact the

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Narek Abgaryan
Narek is the CEO and co-founder of Hundred MS. With a dynamic career that spans investment firms, asset management, risk management, and corporate finance, Narek has demonstrated a profound ability to navigate and innovate within the financial sector. His work across various countries and in diverse financial domains reflects a global perspective and an adaptable, forward-thinking approach. He Brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from the worlds of finance and technology. As a distinguished graduate of the University of Oxford and Hult International Business School, Narek has earned a reputation for excellence in the financial domain. His credentials, including the esteemed CFA and FRM certifications, are a testament to his deep understanding and expertise.
Narek Abgaryan
CFA, FRM, Fund Manager & CEO
Narek is the CEO of Hundred CJSC. Before embarking upon this position, he accumulated 7+ years of multinational experience including the positions of CEO, Head of Research and Member of the Board at various licensed and regulated investment companies. Narek is a graduate of Hult International Business School, Armenian State University of Economics and is currently pursuing his education at Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford. Narek is a CFA charter holder and a certified FRM.
Our Mission
Our mission is to extend our partner-based, specialized and cost-effective cooperation to our clients to enable them to focus on their long-term strategy and leverage their core competencies around value-creating activities, thereby boosting Armenia’s economic development.
Our Vision
We have a deep conviction that the financial system is the pillar of our civilizations. Economies that are exploding with growth are the ones that adopted modern finance. We aim to reach a reality where access to unconventional finance technics should be within reach of every economic unit. This shall empower everyone to allocate their human and financial capital more purposefully and innovatively for the benefit of a secure, wealthy, and responsible society.
In "Hundred" CJSC, we are structuring our goals to revolve around the best interests of our investors and business partners. The basis we build our strategy on is satisfaction of expectations of our Clients, by bringing substantial profits to them through ethical management of investments, assets and portfolios. In the path of achieving the set tasks, we target new financial products adapted to the Client’s needs and offer variety combinations of interdisciplinary innovations. Following our set of values, we see our short-term goal in becoming one of the leading players in the domestic market, pursuing the long-term ambitious goal of integration into regional and global financial markets.
Corporate Values
We believe that earning the trust of each Client cements the next layer of the foundation of the Company’s reputation. Financial relations are built on trust; thus, our reputation is the heart of our business. Our allocentric approach to dealing with clients ensures that we always put their interests first. We do our utmost to make sure that our decisions are utterly disconnected from the greed when it comes to rendering our services. Promulgating ethics and adhering to the highest professional standards are the bedrocks of our corporate values.
  • Are your financial records more puzzling than they should be?
  • Has the audit process become a recurring nightmare for your firm?
  • Do important financial decisions stall due to unclear or absent financial reports?
  • Are high operational costs without clear returns keeping you awake at night?
  • Is hiring and maintaining a full-fledged financial team putting a strain on your resources?
  • Are you in the dark about your company's true valuation and need clarity?
  • Is the challenge of cleaning up your accounting books holding your business back?
  • Are outdated systems causing inefficiencies, prompting the need for an ERP implementation?
  • Have you identified the need for a robust risk management strategy but don't know where to start?
  • Are you looking for a one-stop firm that can handle everything from corporate strategy to asset management?
Are You Ready to Transform Your Businesses’ Financial Landscape?
Are You Ready to Transform Your Businesses’ Financial Landscape?
  • Are your financial records more puzzling than they should be?
  • Has the audit process become a recurring nightmare for your firm?
  • Do important financial decisions stall due to unclear or absent financial reports?
  • Are high operational costs without clear returns keeping you awake at night?
  • Is hiring and maintaining a full-fledged financial team putting a strain on your resources?
  • Are you in the dark about your company's true valuation and need clarity?
  • Is the challenge of cleaning up your accounting books holding your business back?
  • Are outdated systems causing inefficiencies, prompting the need for an ERP implementation?
  • Have you identified the need for a robust risk management strategy but don't know where to start?
  • Are you looking for a one-stop firm that can handle everything from corporate strategy to asset management?
Levon Garibyan
Levon, the co-founder and Business Development Director of Hundred MS, brings over a decade of international experience to his role. His career spans managing private firms with diverse business profiles across the UK, UAE, and Russian Federation. Levon has not only excelled in steering these companies towards growth but has also specialized in business development strategy and fundraising. His expertise in these areas has significantly contributed to the expansion and success of these firms. Levon's academic background is equally impressive, having studied at Cranfield University School of Management and Moscow State University of International Affairs (MGIMO), where he honed his skills in business management and international affairs.
Levon Garibyan
Levon is the Business Development Director and Strategy Specialist of the company. He acquired international experience of more than 10 years, managing private firms with various business profiles in UK, UAE and Russian Federation. Levon studied in Cranfield University School of Management and Moscow State University of International Affairs (MGIMO).
Business Development, Strategy & Fundraising
David Tarkhanyan
David is the co-founder of Hundred MS and the CEO of Hundred MS GmbH. His track record in delivering innovative financial solutions and driving performance improvement initiatives showcases his ability to lead complex projects and navigate the intricate world of finance. David's breadth of experience has equipped him with the unique ability to understand and address the multifaceted challenges businesses face today. His exceptional qualifications, marked by the CFA and FRM certifications, reflect his deep commitment to financial mastery and strategic insight. David's career is characterized by a wide-ranging experience in investment banking, performance management, controlling, and reporting, among other critical financial domains.
David Tarkhanyan
David Tarkhanyan
David Tarkhanyan
Financial Controlling Investment Banking
David is the co-founder of Hundred MS. He is a Banking specialist with a focus on Financial Controlling, Planning, and Performance Management. His experience extends more than 10 years in various investment banks in Vienna and Frankfurt. David studied Physics at Bauman University and Industrial Engineering at the American University of Armenia.